Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
realtime with a joystick or mouse. Animations may be derived 
from either method, by compiling a sequence of stills or by 
recording an interactive navigation. 
Portability is another important issue for many visualisation 
methods. Simple still images can easily be reproduced and 
distributed in a variety of ways, but cannot be modified, for 
example to remove the uncertainty information. Interactive 
methods, and some animation techniques, sometimes involve 
the use of particular applications or plug-ins (e.g. Audition for 
OpenFlight realtime models, or Flash for multimedia content on 
the internet), which may allow customisation and thereby the 
addition of some degree of user control. Such methods, 
however, limit the distribution and use of visualisations to those 
with the appropriate computer software, hardware, and possibly 
network connections, which may go against the desire to open 
up decision-making to a wider audience. 
Many of the techniques in Section 3 do not immediately seem to 
be directly applicable to the issue of uncertainty in landscape 
visualisation, as they can conflict with the needs of the 
visualisation itself. That is, changes in colour, sharpness or 
position in an effort to show uncertainty may be interpreted as a 
change in real life rather than an attempt to illustrate non-visual 
information (Goodchild, 1991). For this reason, altering the 
appearance of the landscape or objects within it (e.g. changes in 
colour/size, or multiple instances of items) is potentially 
unhelpful in any decision-making process, since responses are 
usually requested based at least partially on the visual 
appearance of a landscape. 
The suggestion that complications may arise from the use of 
highly detailed visualisations whereby the viewer equates visual 
detail with certainty of prediction was brought up by planning 
professionals in previous work (Appleton & Lovett, in press). 
There, respondents put forward the idea that different elements 
of the image could be visualised at different levels of detail 
depending on their certainty. On the other hand, the results of a 
different research project suggest that viewers find high levels 
of detail helpful in imagining a visualised landscape (Appleton 
& Lovett, 2003), implying that it could be unhelpful to alter the 
level of detail in an effort to express additional information. It 
was also evident that there may be a “lowest common 
denominator” effect whereby an image is only as realistic 
overall as its least detailed element, perhaps throwing doubt on 
the advisability of varying the detail level to convey uncertainty. 
This is an interesting disagreement which needs to be 
investigated in more depth, but it does not mean that visual 
modifications should be discounted as useful techniques. 
Methods whereby the user can control the visibility of 
uncertainty information (perhaps using a sliding scale of 
transparency or some other transition), or display it in a parallel 
window, are possible alternatives to the permanent alteration of 
visualisations, with animation techniques offering the option of 
similar displays where interactivity is not practical (e.g. with a 
large audience). 
The techniques which would seem to be most suitable for 
representing uncertainty may be summarised as follows: 
e  Deliberately creating low-detail visualisations (or elements 
within them) 
e Giving a range of possibilities, if appropriate 
e  Altering colour, either by adding false colour or 
desaturating (greying out) 
e Blurring 
e Written information, either on labels within the image or 
accompanying text 
e Sound 
Some of the above techniques may increase the time taken to 
draw or display a landscape image, by adding an extra 
dimension of information, which is relatively unimportant for 
single images, but has more impact on multi-frame animations 
and could well affect the perceived smoothness of interactive 
methods by reducing the frame rate. However, interactivity also 
brings an important extra dimension to most of the above 
options. Not only does it allow visual methods to be applied 
without permanently distorting the image, but it could be used 
to control the level of verbal information displayed, perhaps 
allowing expert and non-expert viewers to be catered for with 
the same visualisation. A range of visualisations could be 
presented in response to the viewer's choice of scenario or 
changing of one or more given parameters. Sound-based 
techniques could respond to the pointing/navigation device 
used, either representing uncertainty on its own, or being used 
as an alert device to draw attention to the presence of other 
uncertainty information. It therefore seems likely that some sort 
of user interface would be helpful, to allow the viewer to choose 
the information to be displayed, showing multiple sources at a 
time either in separate windows or overlaid on one another. 
It is important to consider non-interactive methods as well as 
interactive ones for the reasons mentioned in Section 4. If the 
decision-making process is to be widened to include a greater 
cross-section of society, the visual information intended to 
facilitate their participation must be made available in an 
accessible way. This does not preclude the use of sophisticated 
technologies but does mean that alternatives should be 
considered and investigated. 
The audience may also affect the choice of methods in other 
ways. In reaching out to more non-experts, environmental 
decision-making must still be useful to expert participants, and 
their needs and perceptions must be considered. One interesting 
question is whether environmental professionals might have a 
greater inherent understanding of uncertainty when presented 
with an environmental future, and therefore there is less need to 
draw their attention to its existence and more need to explain.its 
sources and magnitude. Such information may be overwhelming 
to a non-expert viewer, but could be presented on an on-demand 
basis as suggested above. 
Preliminary work is being carried out to assess the technical 
feasibility of the various options for presenting uncertainty 
information. This phase is ongoing. 
The underlying image (Fig 1) was chosen from a previous 
project within the research group (Lovett et al, 2003) and shows 
a rural, agricultural English landscape in the south-east of the 
country. It is based on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) 
data, specifically UK Ordnance Survey elevation and land use 
data, with the land use information being greatly enhanced 
through fieldwork and other sources to reflect the varieties of 
crops grown in the area. The GIS information was used with 
Visual Nature Studio from 3DNature to create a landscape 
model, 1 
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