Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
representation aim. But there is another very important point 
that, in this application there is no information reduction in the 
photogrammetric model, during visualization. Original 
measurements transferred to GIS tool. 
[t is also possible to make miscellaneous queries like building’s 
archive number, building name, number, construction date, 
previous works on it and owners’ name, over joined layers 
(Fig. 2) (Karsli et al., 2003). 
Figure 2. Visualization of 3D Model in Arcview 
2.1.2. Second Application 
[n the stage of the study, KTU Centre Kampus area in Trabzon, 
north east of Turkey (Fig. 1) is used. There are many buildings 
in the campus area. Therefore, for the photo-texture 
documentation, a group of buildings including Atatürk Cultural 
Centre, Faik Ahmet Barutcu Library, Students' Affairs, 
Rector's Office, and a statue of Atatürk were selected because 
of their complicated facades. These buildings and KTU centre 
campus area are shown in Figure 3. 
Here, we used a pair of aerial infrared images that cover the 
campus area. They had taken over the site in 2002 at an image 
scale of 1/16000 with the RMK TOP 15 type of camera with a 
camera constant 153 mm. They were scanned with 21 um 
geometric resolution using a  photogrammetric scanner. 
Terrestrial images concerning selected buildings facades' were 
taken with Nikon E2/F2s digital camera with 1280x1000 
geometric resolution. Nikon digital camera produces TIFF and 
JPEG images. A total of 20 images were acquired from 
terrestrial viewpoints using 24 mm focal length. These images 
were transferred into computer media via PCMCIA card. The 
images of the facades were rectified by using Elcovision 10 
software by PMS Inc. (PMS, 1997). Photogrammetric Evaluation 
Photogrammetry is one of the generation systems of 3D City 
Models with the stereo-photogrammetric approach. The object 
is photographed with metric cameras, having a fixed focal 
length and fiducial marks on the calibrated frame, so that the 
imaging bundle of rays can be reconstructed. The images are 
taken in stereo pairs with approximately parallel axes. In this 
study, stereo photogrammetric evaluation was performed by 
using aerial photographs of KTU campus. In the evaluation 
stage, a stereo pair was constituted and CAD data of the 
buildings were collected from the model (Fig.4). Digital 
Photogrammetric Workstation Zeiss SSK was used for 
photogrammetric evaluation. 
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Figure 4. The CAD Model of KTU Campus in 1/3500 scale Photo-Texture Mapping in AutoCAD System 
The CAD model created in SSK software was transferred into 
AutoCAD system. In AutoCAD, 3D model of buildings were 
created, then a wireframe model was constituted (Fig.5). The 
facades images rectified in Elcovision 10 were superimposed 
into wireframe model of selected buildings. Therefore, 3D 
photo-texture model have been constituted. Besides, some 
texture such as tree can be added to photo-texture model of the 
campus area (Fig. 6) (Karsli et al., 2003). 
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