Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
study, Geo VRML was used in the present system. 
To write and run GeoVRML code you should download 
VRML97 browser support for Java in script node and Internet 
browser is required together with = GeoVRML runtime 
environment. Cosmo Player and other VRML browsers can be 
downloaded as freeware, and the development environment can 
be built economically (Honjo and Lim, 2001). GeoVRML is a 
set of nodes inserted into VRML PROTOs. A PROTO is direct 
way of putting extensions into VRML. 
VRML is able to show static and animated dynamic three- 
dimensional and multimedia objects with hyperlinks to other 
media such as text, voice, movie and pictures. This standard 
supports extensive model which allows us to define the new 
dynamic three-dimensional object. Existence of mapping 
between VRML object and usually used three-dimensional API 
(Application Programming Interface) attribute. 
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Figure 2. From map to GeoVRML 
3.1 History of Bakar bay 
The bay of Bakar is the largest bay of the Croatian Littoral. It 
has extraordinary natural and maritime characteristics which 
make it the most favorable and protected part of the larger 
Kvarner bay. Surrounded by steep sheer rocks, this 4.6 km long 
and 600 meters wide bay has always been a certain oasis for all 
the activities corresponding with the sea. In the north-western 
part of the bay there is the city of Bakar, renown for its rich and 
turbulent history. 
Bakar used to be a very important fisherman, trade, wine- 
growing and marine centre. Nowadays, as events turned round, 
Bakar is a part of Rijeka's port and industrial basin. The 
problems of air, soil and sea pollution, excessive noise, the 
protection of living and working places and human and natural 
environment are especially difficult and gave more cause for 
concern. The air in Bakar and its surrounding area is polluted 
with phenyl concentration of which exceeds all legal norms. 
The maximum permissible level of sulfur dioxide in the air in 
the centre of Rijeka has already been exceeded. Some sources 
of drinking water, particularly the coastline around Bakar Bay 
are in potential danger from pollution. 
Bakar might be again a revitalized maritime centre. Building of 
marinas, shore — quay and shipyard of a smaller size, all along 
the Bakar bay coast are possible. 
Aerial photo 3. Coke factory 1978. 
(OState Geodetic Administration Copyright 1978) 
Photo 4. Place where Coke factory was 
(O Dokmanovié Ranko Copyright 2003) 
3.2 Bakar bay today 
Considering the fact that Coke factory has been working for 16 
years, there is a serious thought that area is polluted with 
dangerous substances. 
Researching on this area had given a data about amount of 
pollution and conzistention of dangerous substances. 
It is still believed that underground waters are not polluted yet, 
but it is also just matter of time, when it will happen. 
Polluted area of sea ground sizes up to 15 000m*. At the plateau 
of ex Coke plant was found contamination up to 10 meters 
deep. During 3 phases of researching at the plateau of Coke 
plant has been made 18 deep holes for purposes of monitoring 
the area through 3 years of researching. 
The results are shown in visualiation of polluted area. 
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