Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

Istanbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
5.3 Image analysis 
Functional object aggregation hierarchies can also be used for 
remote sensing data (image) analysis. We will follow the example 
of (Zhan, 2003). Zhan used the combination of IKONOS Multi- 
Spectral data and laser altimetry data obtained with the TopoSys 1 
laser scanner. The example refers to an area of 3 x 3 km’ in the 
south eastern part of Amsterdam. The TopoSys data have been 
processed to generate height data with an accuracy of about 15 cm 
in grid with 4 m spacing. The IKONOS data were interpreted into 
cover classes per pixel, these were: built-up area, vegetation and 
water. By combining these results with the height data they could 
be interpreted in second step into the classes: building, road, open 
paved area, grasslands, trees and water surface. These were class 
labels assigned per pixel From these labelled pixels image 
segments could be formed presenting spatial objects. The 
identified buildings could be further classified based on their size 
and the height data. These classification results were the input of 
figure 10.a. Through a triangulation based technique spatial 
clusters of similar objects were formed as in Figure 10.b. These 
clustered objects were then aggregated into the urban land use 
units of Figure 10.c. When the results of Figure 10.b are combined 
with road data then the classified street blocks of figure 10.d are 
obtained. We see that this method for image analysis has been 
based on a semantic approach based on the functional object 
aggregations, i.e. each aggregation step specifies functional units at 
a higher level in the context of urban land use. In this example we 
go from the level of classified pixels, to elementary objects and 
then on to land use units or street blocks. 
The discussions in the previous sections of this paper illustrate 
several issues with respect to the specification of the semantics of 
spatial data. When discussing these issues we should keep in 
mind that the focus of this paper was on object structured 
approaches. The representation of spatial objects has two aspects: 
I. The structure of such representations specifies which data 
types play a role in these representations and what 
relationships may occur between data of these different 
The semantics of such representations specifies how 
database representations refer to "real world features”. 
Semantics is understood here in the sense of (Winteraecken. 
The previous sections dealt mainly with issues related to the first 
aspect. The semantic issues were dealt with only implicitly in the 
examples. From these examples we can learn that the semantics 
of objects should always be understood in an application context. 
Such a context generally refers to some spatial process be it 
natural, man-induced, social or economic. Objects play then the 
role of process response units so that their semantics can not be 
specified without reference to such a process. Therefore the 
semantics of object definitions will generally be hard to 
understand outside the context given by such a process. This 
implies that it will hardly be possible to standardise semantic 
object definitions. 
The structural aspects of spatial object representations have been 
formulated with in the context of formalized data models. These 
models have a mathematical structure which helps us to 
understand some fundamental constraints that should be fulfilled 
to avoid ambiguity in spatial object representations. The relation 
found in Section 3 between spatial and thematic partitions 
appeared give an essential constraint for the specification of 
objects and object classes. 
The dual partition structure, i.c. the combination of thematic and 
spatial partitions, is fundamental for the specification of 
semantically unambiguous and complete spatial representations. 
This conclusion implies that spatial objects can not be considered 
in isolation because changing the geometry of one object, 
removing an object or entering a new object has an effect on the 
structure of spatial partitions. Similarly removing or entering 
object classes has an effect on thematic partitions and possibly 
also on geometric partitions. 
The dual partition structure mentioned in Conclusion 1, implies 
that spatial objects should not be seen in isolation. Spatial objects 
should generally be understood as components of a spatial 
Due to the dual partition structure temporal changes rarely affect 
individual objects but affect complexes of objects, therefore: 
Spatial objects should generally be understood as components of 
dynamic spatial complexes. 
We saw that due to the dual partition structure thematic class 
generalization should be followed by a class (or similarity) driven 
object aggregation. Functional object aggregation requires a newly 
defined classification system for the aggregated objects. These 
combined operations are required to maintain the dual partition 
structure which is important to maintain the consistency of the 
semantic specifications of spatial data sets. 
The dual partition structure should be maintained when object 
aggregation (generalization) procedures are applied to spatial 
object data. This is important for maintaining the consistency of 
the semantic specifications of spatial data sets at each aggregation 
(generalization) level and for maintaining the consistency between 
Earlier in this section we stated that the semantics of spatial object 
representation should be understood in the context of spatial 
processes (specified in an application context). The situation is 
generally more complicated when object behaviour is seen as the 
resultant of the interaction of processes at different aggregation 
levels. For instance the land use development within an urban 
district will be affected the socio-economic developments of the 
urban area which it is part of. But the development of the street 
block will also be constrained by its inner structure, i.c. the 
characteristics of its constituent components. This means that the 
behaviour of objects is constrained by processes at a lower and at 
a higher aggregation level. 
Object semantics should be understood and specified in multi 
aggregation level (multi scale) context. 
The examples of this paper referred to 2-dimensional situations. 
The conclusions are, however, equally valid for 3-dimensional 

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