Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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T. Turk, M. U. Gumusay 
Yildiz Technical University (YTU), Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering, 34349- Besiktas, 
Istanbul, Turkey - (tturk,gumusay)@yildiz.edu.tr 
Commission VI, WG VI/6 
KEY WORDS: GIS, Application, Design, Planning, Decision Support, Cost 
Nowadays, time is considered as valuable as gold. Once time is used sensibly, access to a lot of information is possible. People who 
want to go sightseeing in different places as tourists may need to have some information about those places. Determining the shortest 
routes to the historical places and natural beauties from their accommodation will be both timesaving and economical. Geographical 
Information System (GIS) technologies provide us with these possibilities. In this study, GIS design and network analysis were 
carried out by taking advantages of GIS possibilities for tourism. 
It is likely to carry out some queries by means of Network Analyst in GIS. In this study, results of these directed towards tourism 
will be presented. 
This study was carried out in Eminónü district, where there are a lot of historical and tourist places. For this study, Istanbul 
Metropolitan Municipality supplied graphical data and the internet also let us has non-graphical data. 
There has been a huge development in information technology 
recently. In addition, GIS has been commonly used in different 
fields such as tourism activities enabling people from different 
countries and cultures to interact with each other. 
A network is a set of linear features that are interconnected in 
GIS. Common examples of networks include highways, 
railways, city streets, rivers, transportation routes (e.g., transit, 
school buses, garbage collection, and mail delivery), and utility 
distribution systems (e.g., electricity, telephone, water supply, 
and sewage). Collectively, these networks form the 
infrastructure of modern society. They provide the means for 
the movement of people and goods, the delivery of services, the 
flow of resources and energy, as well as the communication of 
information (Haggett and Chorley, 1969; Kansky, 1963). 
Network analysis is useful for organizations that manage or use 
networked facilities, such as utility, transmission and 
transportation systems. Utilities employ network models to 
model and analyze their distribution systems and meter-reading 
routes. Municipal public works departments use networks to 
analyze bus and trash routes, whereas businesses use them to 
plan and optimize the delivery of goods and services. Network 
analysis can also be applied to retail store planning. For 
instance, solving of the driving times can aid in the 
determination of retail store trade areas. Three principal types 
of network analysis are network tracing, network routing and 
network allocation. 
Network Tracing: Network tracing determines a particular path 
through the network. This path is based on criteria provided by 
the user. 
Network Routing: Network routing determines the optimal path 
along a linear network. The selection of the path can be based 
on numerous criteria, such as “shortest distance,” “fastest 
route,” “no left turns” and “minimum cost.” The path can pass 
between two points or through several selected points. 
Network Allocation: As well as one of the most important 
processes in the Planning and investment activities is network 
allocation. In other words, Network allocation is an analysis 
occurring at the same time of geographical entities and 
determination process as a point of the optimum center. 
Geographical data used in Network Analysis have to be vector 
structure and also based on line. Arc-node topology is 
established for Network Analysis Query in GIS. 
Network Analysis is closely related to spatial interaction 
modelling. A set of geographic locations interconnected in a 
system by a number of routes (Kansky, 1963). A network refers 
to a system of lines topologically structured. 
Networks may be reduced to topological graphs, which are 
arrays of points connected or not connected to one another by 
lines (Figure 1). This simplification facilitates the revelation of 
common topological structures of the networks. The following 
elements may be identified: nodes (vertices, v1, v7), links (el, 
e9), and regions (rl, r4). Connectivity matrices for these 
elements in binary form may be produced (Figure 1). The 
number of edges (links) in the network (e), the number of 
vertices (nodes) in the network (v), and the number of isolated 
(i.e., no connecting) networks (sub graphs) (g) are employed to 
develop a series of topological measures to characterize the 
network structure (Haggett and Chorley, 1969; Kansky, 1963). 
It should be noted that an edge is defined by two nodes. There 
are two main groups of measures: (1) Those based on gross 
characteristics and (2) Those based on shortest-path 
characteristics. These measures allow a quantitative description 
of the network and a comparison of one network with another. 

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