International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
lower than the original heights. Red coloured vectors refer to
heights which became higher. The figure shows that most of the
heights inside the lakes became higher. Most of the points
which became lower are situated at the border of the lakes.
Nevertheless, a big part of the differences of the left lake
became lower, too. Here, one of the data sets seems to be coarse
erroneous. The maximum differences between the original
heights and the estimated heights are -1,84 m and +0,88 m,
respectively. The right side of Figure 7 shows the result of the
semantically correct integration with respect of the results
without considering the semantics of the lakes (Figure 7, left).
The semantically correct integrated data set shows that all
constraints are fulfilled. The height values inside the lake and at
the water line have the same level. The terrain outside the lake
rises. Summarized, it could be stated that most of the residuals
are rather small in respect of the vertical accuracy of the DTM
of half a meter. The estimated lake heights are nearly identical
to the mean values of the heights inside the lakes, the
constraints are fulfilled exactly. >
This paper presents an approach for the semantically correct
integration of a DTM and 2D topographic GIS data. The
algorithm is based on a constrained Delaunay triangulation and
a least squares adjustment taken into account inequality
First investigations were carried out using simulated and real
data sets. The objects used are lakes represented by a horizontal
plane with increasing terrain outside the lake and roads which
can be composed of several tilted planes. The results which are
based on the use of different weights for the basic equations and
equation constraints are satisfying. All predefined constraints
can be fulfilled but a compromise between fulfilling these
constraints and changing the terrain morphology has to be
In the future the impact of blunders has to be investigated
because height blunders or big differences to the equality and
inequality constraints may cause a non-realistic change of the
original height information of the DTM.
Furthermore, the planimetric coordinates of the topographic
objects were introduced as error-free. This may cause a
erroneous height level of the topographic objects. Also the
horizontal accuracy of the GIS objects has to be considered.
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for providing the data.
Figure 7: Results of the integration process, left: non-semantic integration, right: semantically correct integration