anbul 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
Fahmi Amhar, Josef Jansa, Christine Ries, 1998. The
Generation of True Orthophotos Using a 3d Building Model in
Conjunction with a Conventional DTM. IAPRS, Vol. 32, Part 4
"GIS-Between Visions and Applications", Stuttgart, Germany.
'c footprint
he areas on
raster data
Jiann-Yeou Rau, Nai-Yu Chen, Liang-Chien Chen, 2000.
Hidden Compensation and Shadow Enhancement for True
Orthophoto Generation, Proceedings | of | ACRS2000.
lata into a
rage place
polygons is
je through.
es part of
of elevation
m from the
Fig. 5: "True ortho" image with hidden areas recovered from
| orientation overlapping image.
led for the
ing because 3. CONCLUSION
> number of
lowever, in
ger than the
rcraft) is far
akes just a
3.1 Benefits of the Proposed Method
e Significantly smaller memory usage. There is no need
to allocate large distance/identification code matrices.
e Resolution independent. It explicitly generates hidden
area features as vector data.
e Further analysis (seanilines generation) and elevation
model validation are easily accomplished based on
the vector data.
3.2 Implementation Advantages
* Allows easy integration of hidden areas compensation
techniques with existing software (Z/1 Imaging
ImageStation OrthoPro software). It is just an
additional step in a standard workflow. There is no
need to modify existing raster operation.
* Hfficiently uses Intergraph GeoMedia Topology API
for all complex geometry manipulations.
33 Future Work
e Update the current surface triangulation storage
format to provide more accurate building model
* Optimize elevation model creation workflow to
provide simple and precise way to digitize building
roofs, bridges, etc.
* Apply the same polygon-based hidden area detection
technique for shadow zone detection and
* Adopt the true ortho technique for line scanner
d blue imagery.