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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
height. In the wooded areas the DTM-derived grid points reflect
the real terrain height. The rastermap with differences can
always be used to establish the origin of each grid point in the
hybrid DTM.
3.4.Adding structure lines
At places where slopes change abruptly (such as quarry edges,
embankments and borders of water features) it is necessary to
introduce additional linear elements. In the test these were taken
from the data measured for the topographical map 1:10 000.
Prior to their integration, their height was compared to the
height suggested by the hybrid DTM. In figure 7 the results are
given for the stereoplotted borders of water features for area 1.
For the majority of the borders, their height is within 2m from
the hybrid DTM. For the remaining borders, the hybrid DTM is
several meters too high. This is mostly the case in places where
no digitized contour lines were present and the DSM was too
high due to vegetation. In these places it is necessary to
incorporate the stereoplotted borders to correct the hybrid DTM.
height difference (m
-— ‘ ' + 1 1 n DEL A
0 50 100 150,
number of element vertices
Figure 7. test area 1. Z-value derived from hybrid DTM minus z-value
of stereoplotted borders of water features.
[n the future, results from this kind of statistical analysis could
be used to automate to a certain degree the incorporation of the
stereoplotted elements as additional linear elements in the
hybrid DTM. A fully automated procedure seems not very
realistic and actually quite dangerous. At the moment it is still
necessary to include the linear elements in a completely
interactive way.
We have given an overview of the initial DEM situation at the
NGI, the requirements for the development of a better DEM
data layer and the constraints that have to be taken into account.
We then proceeded with the general working strategy for the
actual development of the DEM data layer, highlighting the
need for recovery and upgrading of existing data, the need for
flexibility, the need for a phased approach and an appropriate
data structure.
A test was performed combining three available DEDSs using
available software to construct a new DEDS which better
reflects the terrain than any of the original DEDSs. Further
testing should be performed to corroborate the positive results
obtained and to heighten the degree of automation in the
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