Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
GigE E 
Landsat 7, 
IKONOS, ms, 4m pixel size ENESTEU 
Figure 3: comparison of different space images in the city of Zonguldak, Turkey 
0.3mm for the map, this would be sufficient for a map scale 1 : 
100 000, but the details required for this scale cannot be seen. 
ASTER images do show quite more details like Landsat. Wide 
roads can be seen but not the details usually shown in 
topographic maps. The panchromatic TK350 photos available 
from the Zonguldak area with an effective pixel size of 13m 
(table 1) do not show all the details visible in the ASTER VNIR 
image. At first the ASTER image includes the advantage of the 
colour, but also the contrast of the TK350 photos is not so good. 
TK350 photos have been flown together with the KVR1000. 
The concept for the use of both together is the generation of a 
digital elevation model (DEM) based on the stereoscopic 
coverage by the TK350 and a monoplotting of the not 
stereoscopic KVR1000 photos based on such a DEM. So the 
real use of the TK350 was not directly for mapping purposes. 
IRS-1C with a nominal ground pixel size of 5.8m includes quite 
more information like TK350. On the first view the details 
usually included in a topographic map 1 : 50 000 can be seen. 
Nevertheless the effective pixel size in the Zonguldak area was 
just 6.9m. This may be caused by the limited contrast of the 
original images resulting on the 6bit radiometric resolution (52 
different grey values) but of cause also on the atmospheric 
conditions at the day of imaging. 
The panchromatic SPOT 5 images with a ground pixel size of 
5m include quite more the details like the preceding SPOT 
images with just 10m pixel size. In comparison to the IRS-1C it 
has the advantage of a quite better contrast and the individual 
details can be seen clearer. The nominal relation of IRS-1C to 
SPOTS and SPOTS to multispectral IKONOS is approximately 
the same, but in comparison to SPOTS the multispectral 
IKONOS image has the advantage of the colour information. 
The colour improves the potential of object recognition and 
interpretation. Especially the interpretation is quite better based 
on colour images than just with black and white. 

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