Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
The different digital elevation models based on space images 
have been matched with the Hannover program DPCOR using a 
least squares matching in the image space. This program is 
independent upon the image geometry — it is not using the 
epipolar information and requires some seed points in the 
matched area. As seed points the control points can be used, so 
it is not an additional effort. The ground points have to be 
calculated by programs using the correct geometry of the image 
orientation. The y-parallaxes of the intersection are indicating 
the quality of the matching in the level of the visible surface. 
Depending upon the image geometry, the image orientations 
have been made with the Hannover programs BLUH, 
CORIKON and BLASPO with standard deviations in X and Y 
between 0.8 and 0.9 pixels. The standard deviation for Z (SZ) is 
depending upon the height to base relation, but can be 
expressed also independent upon this with the root mean square 
accuracy of the x-parallax (Spx) respecting the relation: SZ — 
h/b * Spx where Spx has the dimension of pixel size on the 
ground. The orientation accuracy in Z was in the range of 0.4 
pixels < Spx < 1.3 pixels. 
The achieved DSMs have been analysed with the Hannover 
program DEMANAL separating the area by a classification 
layer into forest and open areas. A more detailed separation was 
not necessary. The dependency of the accuracy upon the terrain 
inclination has been computed in DEMANAL beside a more 
detailed analysis. 
The reference DEM is based on the topographic map 1 : 25 000 
in the Gauss-Krueger coordinate system (transverse Mercator), 
using the Hayford ellipsoid, while the GPS-ground positions 
like also the SRTM-data are available in UTM with the WGS84 
ellipsoid in the ITRF reference frame. The mathematical 
transformation is not a problem, but the datum of the Turkish 
national coordinate system in the area of Zonguldak was not 
known, leading to shifts in X and Y. By this reason the shifts of 
the height models have been determined by least squares 
adjustment with the Hannover program DEMSHIFT. This may 
also solve some orientation problems for example of the 
With Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) by the 
Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) in February 2000 
the main part of the earth land area between the latitude of 56° 
south and 60.25° north has been covered by DSMs. The Space 
Shuttle carried the US C-band and the German/Italian X-band 
system. By the scan-SAR mode the C-band has had a swath 
width of 225km while the X-band was limited to a swath width 
of only 45km. Caused by this, the X-band system has not 
covered the whole area while the C-band has covered 94.6% of 
the land mass twice and approximate 50% three times. This 
multiple coverage has improved the accuracy of the C-band 
DSMs which are by theory not so accurate like the X-band- 
DSMs based on the shorter wavelength. The used X-band with 
the wavelength of 3cm cannot penetrate the vegetation, but also 
the used C-band with a wavelength of 5.6cm shows nearly the 
top of the vegetation. The published C-band elevation models 
are unedited and do include artefacts and gaps in steep areas. 
The C-band SAR has an incidence angle (nadir angle at the 
ground) between 31? and 61? while the X-band is limited to 50? 
to 54°. Corresponding to this the radar layover where the 
returned signal cannot be separated depending upon the location 
is in the range of a terrain slope across the view direction of the 
same value. 
In the area of Zonguldak, Turkey the X-band DSM and also the 
C-band DSM from the German aerospace organisation DLR 
have been analysed in relation to a DEM generated from the 
topographic map 1 : 25 000. The program DEMANAL is able 
to separate the analysis depending upon a classification layer. 
In this case only the forest and not forest areas (open areas) 
have been separated. The Zonguldak area is mountainous with 
an average slope of 23%. 6% of the slopes are exceeding 31° 
where the problem with the layover of the C-band SAR starts 
and 0.6% are exceeding 50°, where the problems with the X- 
band are starting. Together with the X-band data a so called 
height error map with estimated height accuracies is distributed 
showing very well the locations with problems. In the test area 
they are especially at the coast line where the terrain is partially 
extremely steep up to nearly vertical and in some steep valleys, 
visible in figure 2 as elevated parts. The DSM analysis 
confirmed the problems in these locations. 
Ho Xx 
Figure 2. height error map of SRTM X-band in test area 
X-band DSM DZ > RMSZ | Bias RMSZ - bias 
50m [m] [m] F(slope) 
All points 0.55% 11.9 -5.7 19+ 96% uno, 
Open areas 0.67% 10.7 -3.5 7.2+87*tan a 
Forest 0.39% 13.8 -8.1 7.8* 9.6 * tana 
check points 0 5.4 -2.0 1.3 * 40.6 * tana 
Table 1: RMS discrepancy of the SRTM X-band DEM against 
the reference DEM from the map 1 : 25 000 and check points 
The analysis of the SRTM X-band DSM shows a clear 
dependency of the root mean square Z-differences upon the 
terrain inclination. In the flat areas the accuracy is in the range 
of 7m up to 8m. Quite better results can be seen at 43 check 
points which have been determined by GPS. The overall 
accuracy of 5.4m is still better with 2.9m for the 20 check 
points located in an area with an inclination below 7%. The 
larger discrepancies in the forest areas are shown in all data sets 
described in this presentation. In the case of Radar images the 
main influence is coming from the difference between the 
visible surface and the reference DEM, indicated by the clearly 
higher bias. A filtering of the DSM to a DEM has not improved 
this relation because no height values are available from the 
bare ground in the forest area (see Passini et al 2002). 
Nevertheless the influence of the forest is limited caused by the 
not very high trees. 
The comparison of the C-band data with the reference DEM is 
leading to very similar results like the X-band data. Only the 
comparison with check points shows larger discrepancies. In the 
flat area with inclination below 7%, the root mean square 
discrepancies are 4.9m instead of 2.9m for the X-band data. 

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