Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
The project of geoinformatic system "Antarctic" suggests research- 
ing the glaciers located on the Argentine Islands. 
The use of the above-mentioned terrestrial digital phototheodolite 
survey defines the following parameters of the glaciers: 
— Space location of the glacier in a certain period of time; 
— Data on morphometric characteristics of the glaciers; 
— From the results of several cycles it is possible to derive space 
change of the glaciers, the change of their shape and size, the 
change of the volume of the ice; 
The data on the characteristics of the glaciers give a ground for 
the conclusions about the local and global changes of climate. 
A prior estimate how precisely the space coordinates of object 
points were determined is highly important stage of any geodetic 
or photogrammetric work. 
To get errors m., m , m. of space coordinates (see Table) it was 
used a well known formulas of estimating the precision of the 
phototheodolite survey with the basic data (m, m., m, — average 
square-law error of defining coordinates and parallaxes by pho- 
tographs; m, — average square-law error of measuring the pho- 
tography base) for digital theodolite, made on the base of digital 
camera DC-260 and theodolite 2T2 with x =40 mm; z = 25 mm; 
m= mm, m =m =m= 0.005 mm. 
v, | B f Parallel case 
(M) | (M) | (MM) of survey = 15 e 
> Normal case of 
E survey 
3 5 m, | my | my | my | my | mz 
o (m) | (m) | (m) | m | mm 
2 92 |0.028|0.054|0.020|0.029|0.056 
s 280 |0.006|0.018|0.004|0.006|0.018|0.004 
S | 200 | 40 
The analysis of these data proves that the precision of the coordi- 
nates defined with the above-proposed method is equal to the 
precession of the volumes defined with the method of the vertical 
grid [2]. 
The field work included the following stages: 
— To reconnoitre the territory and to make the working project of 
— To fix the control and base points and to define their geodetic 
— To make a long-term centers of survey; 
— Photographing [3]. 
The long-term centers of survey were made of the thick-walled 
The complex monitoring consisted in the following. The devise 
and the mark are fixed on the left and right points of the base. The 
digital phototheodolite fixed on the left point and an sighting mark 
on the right one. The centering was done in a usual for geodetic 
devices way. After the digital phototheodolite and the mark have 
been fixed, the altitude of the tool i is being measured. 
Photographing was done in the following order: 
1. To set the reading on the orientation device (theodolite 2T2) so 
that it suits the survey; 
2. To loose the fixing nut and to turn the theodolite so that a 
sighting mark is seen trough the telescope of the orientation de- 
vice. Then, after the nut has been fixed again to superpose the 
bisector of the telescope and the center of the a sighting mark; 
3. To check the reading precision and the level position; if neces- 
sary to correct the position of levels and to do once more the mark 
4. To switch on the camera; to fix the operating exposure; to 
choose the way of survey; 
5. To shift the digital phototheodolite to the right point and the 
sighting mark to the left. To do the survey in the same order. 
The survey was done with different focal lengths of the camera 
(Kodak-260C, Olympus E20p) which were determined by the 
angles of object coverage. The next step according to the technol- 
ogy was to find out the coordinates of the points of survey by 
means of GPS in static condition to raise the precision of finding 
the location of centers. In this way zero cycles of the glacier 
survey were completed. The surveys done in different time re- 
sulted in 12 stereograms, both, normal and with equal deviation 
of the camera optical axis to the right and to the left (15°) with the 
focal length of the camera 92 mm and 280 mm (Fig. 1). 
The cameral processing of the materials was done on the digital 
Fig.1. General view of the Galindez Glacier. 
photograsmmetric station (DPS) "Delta". Still due to the high 
steepness of slopes under survey it appeared a problem to sketch 
the relief of the glacier outcrop in horizontals. Therefore it was 
decided to present the relief in verticals as the projection of the 
lines with equal altitude on the vertical plane. Fig.2 shows the 
glaciers on Galindez Island presented in verticals. 
The processing (like in previous cases) was done on the digital 
photograsmmetric station (DPS) "Delta". 
But the main task of the research of the glaciers is to find out the 
change of glaciers volumes. The repeated survey of this part of 
Galindez Island was conducted in the expedition of the year 2003. 

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