Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Table 1: U.S. National Parks being mapped by the UGA-CRMS 
Park Name iation Location Size (Ha) # Photos | Photo Scale 
Abraham Lincoln National Historic Site ABLI Kentucky 140 3 12,000 
Big South Fork National Recreation Area BISO Kentucky/Tennessee 50,733 309 16,000 
Blue Ridge Parkway BLRI North Carolina/Virginia 37,408 768 16,000 
Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site CARL North Carolina 107 1 12,000 
Cowpens National Battlefield COWP South Carolina 341 4 12,000 
Cumberland Gap National Historical Park CUGA Kentucky 8,285 76 16,000 
Fort Donelson National Historic Site FODO Tennessee 223 3 12,000 
Great Smoky Mountains National Park GRSM Tennessee/North Carolina 209,000 1,200 12,000 
Guilford Courthouse National Military Park GUCO North Carolina 93 1 12,000 
Little River Canyon National Preserve LIRI Alabama 5,519 89 12,000 
Mammoth Cave National Park MACA Kentucky 21,389 124 16,000 
Ninety-Six National Historic Site NISI South Carolina 400 2 12,000 
Obed Wild and Scenic River OBRI Tennessee 2,156 106 16,000 
Stones River National Battlefield STRI Kentucky 288 3 12,000 
these areas tend to be more highly influenced by geometric 
errors caused by improper rectification techniques or poor 
control. A full photogrammetric solution and orthorectifica- 
tion is required in these instances. 
Control Extension 
Extension and simplification of ground control identification 
and aerotriangulation procedures developed for mapping Great 
Smoky Mountains National Park has dramatically improved the 
speed and accuracy with which aerial photographs and overlays 
can be prepared for use in building the GIS database (Jordan, 
2002). These methods permit the use of non-traditional 
features such as tree tops to be used for ground control. In 
addition, the procedures can be undertaken by non- 
photogrammetrists to achieve accuracies required to meet the 
project goals and deadlines that would be difficult under 
normal circumstances. Using low cost softcopy photo- 
grammetry tools provided by the DMS Softcopy 5.0 software 
package and standard aerotriangulation point distribution and 
numbering practises, pass points are identified on scanned (42 
um) color infrared aerial photographs (R-WEL, Inc., 2004). 
Although well-defined cultural features are chosen as pass 
points whenever possible, it is frequently the case that natural 
features such as corners of clearings or even tree tops must be 
employed when the tree canopy is extremely dense. 
Well-defined features suitable for use as ground control points 
(GCPs) are identified on USGS DOQQs and the scanned aerial 
photos. Their X,Y Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) 
planimetric coordinates are measured directly from the DOQQ. 
Elevation values for GCPs are extracted from USGS digital 
elevation models (DEMs) using a bilinear interpolation 
algorithm. In general, the accuracy of the GCP coordinates 
recovered from these data sets is on the order of + 3-5 m in XY 
and £4-7 m in Z. 
Photo coordinates are organized into flight line strips within 
DMS Softcopy 5.0 and automatically employed with the 
AeroSys 5.0 for Windows aerotriangulation (AT) package to 
compute map coordinates for the pass points (Stevens, 2002). The 
process is quick and typical errors are comparable in magnitude to 
the GCP coordinate errors. Experience has shown that a person 
familiar with aerial photographs and the fundamental concepts of 
photogrammetry quickly can be trained to do productive 
aerotriangulation work with this system in just one or two days. 
This is a vast improvement on previous AT software which required 
weeks of experience and a strong photogrammetric background to 
achieve adequate results. 
Rectification of Overlays 
Overlays first must be scanned and rectified to the map coordinate 
system before the vegetation polygons can be incorporated into the 
GIS database. It is difficult, however, to accurately transfer ground 
and image coordinates directly from the aerial photographs to the 
overlays using manual methods. Therefore, the fiducial marks on 
the photos and scanned overlays are employed as registration points. 
Image coordinates identified during the AT process are transformed 
into the overlay coordinate system and used with an appropriate 
rectification algorithm to create a corrected overlay that is in register 
with the underlying GIS database. The raster polygons are 
converted to vector format using R2V program from Able Software, 
Inc. (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) and imported to ESRI 
ArcGIS for editing. 
In areas of little relief, it is appropriate to apply simple polynomial 
correction techniques to create rectified photographs. For smaller 
parks, these rectified photos are tiled, overlaid with coordinate grids 
and printed on a high quality color printer for use in the field. 
Interpretation is performed on overlays registered to the hard copy 
prints. The overlays are scanned and converted to vector format for 
input to the GIS. There the polygons representing vegetation 
communities are edited and assigned attributes. The vegetation map 
of Guilford Courthouse National Military Park was created in this 
manner (Figure 2). In the Guilford Courthouse map product, the top 
portion in a rectified color infrared aerial photograph annotated with 
the park boundary. In the bottom section of the product, the detailed 
vegetation map is presented at the same scale and area coverage as 
the aerial photograph. 

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