Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
different image geometry models that are expected to have 
widespread use by interoperable software. OGC (1999b) has 
adopted a specification for standardization of image geometry 
models. In photogrammetry, the block adjustment and 3-D 
mapping often are performed using images acquired by a same 
sensor and platform. But when the images are acquired by 
different sensors, the block adjustment among different image 
geometry models is hard to be implemented due to a 
combinatorial overflow. Moreover, while many more imaging 
sensors have been launched or will be launched in near future, it 
is obviously not convenient for end users and service providers 
to constantly upgrade their software to process new sensor data. 
As a matter of fact, the software upgrades often fall behind the 
availability of the data. This is also expensive and in particular 
not necessary for many mapping applications requiring accuracy 
at sub-metre level or lower. 
Because of the characteristic of sensor independence, the use of 
RFM would be a driving force towards the photogrammetric 
interoperability among imagery exploitation software. If each 
overlapping image comes with a set of RPCs, end users and 
developers will be able to perform the subsequent 
photogrammetric processing neither knowing the original 
sophisticated physical sensor model nor taking account of the 
submodels associated with the sensors used to acquire the 
images. This is highly beneficial as it makes the 
photogrammetric processing interoperable, thus allowing users 
and service providers to easily integrate cross sensor/platform 
images from multiple data vendors. The different image 
resolution and the error estimates associated with the RPCs for 
cach image should be processed by appropriate weighting 
during the adjustment. For example, the covariance matrix C,, in 
Eq. 7 will use different sub-covariance matrixes of misclosures 
for the image points measured on different images participating 
in the adjustment. Thus many of the difficulties that may arise 
from simultaneously adjusting different physical sensor models 
can be avoided. This technique is of unique value for users who 
require high updating rate and for other applications in which 
high temporal accuracy is of essence. 
Many COTS photogrammetric suites have implemented the 
RFM and related techniques, including ERDAS IMAGINE (LH 
Systems), PCI Geomatica (PCI), SOCET SET (BAE Systems), 
ImageStation (Z/1 Imaging), and SilverEye (GeoTango). Using 
these systems, traditional photogrammetric processing tasks can 
be performed in a unified technical framework. Many mapping 
applications using above photogrammetric systems or 
proprietary packages have been reported. We will briefly focus 
on the photogrammetric applications below. 
Kay et al. (2003) evaluated the geometric quality of ortho- 
rectifying QuickBird and Ikonos images, for a typical 
agriculture area, using GCPs and a DTM derived from the 
1:50000 scale map data. Two QuickBird images with Basic and 
Standard levels and an Ikonos Geo image, covering an area of 
108 km? are rectified. Both results are well with 1:10000 scale 
accuracy requirements of the EU Common Agriculture Policy. 
Fraser et al. (2002) investigated the application of Ikonos 
imagery to 3-D positioning and building extraction. The results 
of 2-D and 3-D metric accuracy tests shows a planimetric 
accuracy of 0.3-0.6 m and height accuracy of 0.5-0.9 m. Tao et 
al. (2004) evaluated the 3-D feature extraction results using two 
Ikonos Reference stereo scenes at a nuclear plant. The relative 
planimetric and vertical accuracies for 3-D features are at the 
sub-meter level, and the RFM refinements do not change the 
relative accuracy. 
Tao and Hu (2004) reported 3-D feature extraction results from 
overlapped QuickBird and Ikonos image pairs. The conjugate 
points in the QuickBird and the Ikonos images were manually 
positioned and were assigned different weighting factors of | 
for the Ikonos image and 1/0.6? for the QuickBird image in Eq. 
9. When the RPC models are bias compensated using three 
GCPs, the object points have the position differences of 1.36-m 
RMSE horizontally and 0.84-m RMSE vertically, and the 
dimension differences are better than 1-m RMSE. 
Extensive tests have been carried using different formulations of 
the RFM. These experimental results have revealed that the 
third-order RFM is not always the best form in terms of 
obtaining highest approximating accuracy (Tao and Hu, 2001a, 
2001b; Fraser et al., 2002). Yang (2000) also reported functions 
lower than third order were used and the correct order can be 
chosen, based on the RMS error analysis, testing aerial 
photography and SPOT data. Hanley and Fraser (2001) tested 
Ikonos Geo product by first projecting the control points onto 
‘planes of control’, to minimize the effect of terrain, and then 
transform the image to these points using similarity, affine and 
projective transformations. The results show that 0.3-0.5 m 
positioning accuracy is achievable from the Geo product 
without using the rational function solution. Fraser et al. (2002) 
and Fraser and Yamakawa (2003) have extended this work in 
two dimensions into three, using similar techniques. They found 
that the affine projection, the DLT and relief corrected affine 
transformation also can approximate the Ikonos imaging 
geometry to sub-meter positioning accuracy in the absence of 
high-order error sources. If the most significant coefficients 
could be found for each particular imaging sensor heuristically 
(e.g., by trial-and-error), then the RFM may be solved with 
higher stability in the terrain-dependent approach using a small 
number of GCPs, and may be also suitable for replacing 
rigorous sensor models as what has been done by terrain- 
independent approach. 
Fraser and Hanley (2004) found the systematic residual errors in 
the along track direction due to perturbations in scan velocity. 
The question is then should high order polynomial be used to 
compensate for this high-order drift error when the errors are 
not well modeled in the physical sensor model. 
Furthermore, currently, Digital Globe also provides images each 
with multiple sections. Each section is stored in a separate 
image file using the same set of RPCs with different line and 
sample offsets. Yet, if each image section has a different set of 
RPCs as defined in the USM, all the related photogrammetric 
processing methods have to be re-formulated. 
The characteristics of cross sensor imagery exploitation will 
instigate a crossover of images from multiple data vendors into 
a new 3-D mapping paradigm. From the viewpoint of imagery 
exploitation services providers, the RFM technology enables 
extensive interoperability between images from different 
sources, regardless of the sensor types and the platforms, due to 
its geometric generality. However, new problems arise when we 
try to generate DSMs automatically using heterogeneous images 

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