Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
From each parallel are taken two centroids with values of 
spherical longitude closest to the point. From the four 
candidates the proximate centroid is found. If two or more 
candidates have the same distance to the point the most north 
east centroid is selected. Note that next to the poles only three 
candidates are available. 
An example of full 
tessellation of  geoindex 
projected on the sphere is 
shown in Figure 3. The 
tessellation — generates a 
semi-regular global grid. 
The geometry of the cells is 
not unified but it is possible 
to claim that cells tend to 
have a shape of hexagons. 
Fig. 3. Geoindex tesselation. 
2.3 Levels 
In order to use Voronoi based grid for data with various 
resolutions | geoindex introduces concept of levels. In 
applications of geoindex an arbitrary number of levels can be 
used. Each level tessellates the space into cells as introduced in 
the previous section. Each level has different division 
coefficient (see Section 2.2). The levels are accessed directly as 
independent layers rather than hierarchy. In Figure 4 are 
depicted cells from levels with division coefficients 10 and 50. 
For sake of clarity only cells along the prime meridian have 
been rendered. 
There is a straightforward way of constructing an acyclic graph 
when traversing from the coarsest level to a finer level; 
however this option has not been elaborated. Building a 
hierarchical structure across the levels is not necessary since the 
proximate cell can be accessed directly regardless the resolution 
of the grid at the particular level. Using independent levels also 
provides flexibility in decision about which levels are needed or 
convenient to use. 
Level Number of cells —width [m] 
2 6 10 000 000 
3 12 6 680 000 
4 22 5 010 000 
5 34 4 010 000 
10 128 2 000 000 
100 12 732 200 000 
1000 1 273 248 20 000 
10 000 127.323 974 2 000 
100 000 12.732 395 370 200 
Table 1. Number of cells in selected levels. 
In Table 1 are given number of cells in selected levels. Number 
specifying the level directly refers to the division coefficient. 
The coarsest available level is with division coefficient being 
two. This generates a tessellation of the space through six cells, 
€.g., a cube projected on the sphere. For this case the width of 
each cell on the Earth's surface would be approximately 10 000 
Use of levels has direct use for dealing with level of detail in 
underlying applications. Levels with higher division coefficient 
are accessed when more detailed geographic data from smaller 
spatial range are necessary, while lower division coetficient is 
used when larger areas need to be available in their spatial 
Figure 4. Cells distributed along the prime meridian with 
division coefficient ten and fifty. 
2.4 Applications 
In this section is presented how geoindex can be used for 
management of geographic data in practice. Also reasoning 
about applications that could exploit the concepts of geoindex is 
[n order to apply geoindex it is necessary to maintain a search 
tree and for each record assign an address referencing its 
physical position in a file or memory. This mechanism, 
however, is implemented tested and optimized for many years 
by numerous available database management systems. There 
are solutions for indexing one-dimensional sets, e.g., B+-tree, 
which can be used immediately when unique identifiers are 
assigned to cach cell. Similar approach has been proposed in 
(Oosterom, 1996). 
Geoindex has been devised to aid visual applications in 3D. 
That is one of the main reasons why proximity features of 
Voronoi diagram have been picked over hierarchical structures 
as used in QTM or quad division based global grids. Typical 
query when navigating visually through geographic 3D model 
can be in a form “give me the nearest data with highest level of 
detail and distant locations with less detail and from certain 
distance nothing at all”. This closely expresses the concept used 
by geoindex and any application that can elaborate on this 
approach can use geoindex. 
Regarding geometric data representation that can be indexed 
using this method; any geometric data structures representing 
spatial features can be used as long as the data representation 

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