Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 Inter 
Yumin Chen, Jianya Gong, Wenjue Jia, Qi Zhang 167 Gönül 
Xml-based Spatial Data Interoperability on The Internet Hiddei 
Mantel Daniela, Lipeck Udo 172 Yazda 
Matching Cartographic Objects in Spatial Databases Digita 
Lehto L., Sarjakoski T. 177 Heinzi 
Schema Translations by XSLT for GML-encoded Geospatial Data in Heterogeneous Web-service Environment Deriva 
Batuk F., Emem O. , Alkis Z., Gümüsay U., Eraslan C., Helvaci C., Demir N., Tiirk T., Bayram B., Alkis A. 183 Jeong- 
Developing of Turkey’s Disaster Management Standards for E-government An Eft 
Basaraner M., Selcuk M. 188 Demir: 
An Attempt to Automated Generalization of Buildings and settlement Areas in Topographic Maps Two Fi 
Andrea Forberg 194 Danoe 
Generalization of 3D Building Data Based on A Scale-Space Approach Image- 
Frery Alejandro C., Silva Cledja K. R. Da, Costa Evandro De B., Almeida Eliana S. 200 Sang-l 
Cartographic Generalization in Virtual Reality Extract 
Gao Wenxiu, Song Aihong, Gong Jianya 205 Cay T. 
Constraint-based Generalization of Soil Map The Co 
Joubran J., Daoud Abu, Doytsher Y. 210 Bologn 
A Combined Automated Generalization Model of Spatial Active Objects Risk A: 
Hans-Peter Bühr and Marina Müller 216 > 
Graphics and Language as Complementary Formal Representations for Geospatial Descriptions Li Ying 
Stotera Jantien, Zlatanovab Sisi 222 
Multiple Representations in DBMS: Two Algorithms Winkle 
The Na 
Petzold I., Grôger G., Plümer L. 228 
Modeling of Conflicts for Screen Map Labeling Chirici 
Bildirici I. O., Heidorn D: 234 
Buhom: A Program for Enhancement of Geometric Topologic Consistency of Building Objects Tôth Z. 
Trung T.N. 238 E 
The Multi-resolution Characteristics of Spatial Data in Vietnam Land Administration Khaden 
Dogru A. O., Ulugtekin N.N. 244 With Er 
Junction Modeling in Vehicle Navigation Maps and Multiple Representations 
Ehlers | 
Pingtao Wang, Takeshi Doihara 249 GIS and 
Automatic Generalization of Roads and Buildings 
A. M. Felicisimo, A. Cuartero, F. J. Ariza 255 General 
A Method for The Improvement Elevation Data Generated from Automated Photogrametric Methods into SIS 
Krisp J. 
Hanning Yuan, Shuliang Wang 261 Visualiz 
Factors Causing Uncertainties in Spatial Data Mining 
Mussumeci G., Falchi U., Condorelli A. : 265 Determi 
Data Survey and Management Techniques in Civil Protection Emergencies 
Kada M 
Bank E. 271 Hardwar 
Importance of Open Spatial Data Infrastructure 
Takemoto Takashi, Mizukami Koji m ; ; 277 Represeı 
Tendency of Standardization of Spatial Data and Present State of Its Application to Production Data in Japan 
Emem C 
Wanning Peng, Dragan Petrovic, Clayton Crawford 281 Generati 
Handling Large Terrain Data in GIS 
Murray K.j., Hart G., Allan P. : 287 Occlusio 
The Digital National Framework - Bridging Information Through Geography 
Tunc E., 
Kufoniyi O., Akinyede J.O. ; st doit 293 3D City. 
Mainstreaming Geospatial Information for Sustainable National Development in Nigeria 
299 Yılmaz À 
Torun A., Ulubay A. 3D Virtu: 
Database Driven Cartographic Visualization of V map Database 
305 Jiang ZI 
Lingkui Meng, Chengda Lin, Wenzhong Shi Rescach 
Spatial Data Transfers and Storage in Distributed Wireless GIS 
T 310 Sainovic 
Celik R. N., Ayan T., Deniz, Ozlüdemir M. T. P Geovrm) 
Geodetic Infrastructure of Turkey for GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing Applications 
315 Kaczynsl 
Deren Li, Huayi Wu ; Accurac) 
On Developing Spatial Data Infrastructure of China 
Comert Cetin 320 D.Z. Sek 
Web Services and National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Prodacin 

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