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GCPs Hojjatollah Ranjbar *, Hadi Shahriari? and Mehdi Honarmand
de the * Department of Mining Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Jomhoory Eslami Bivd., Kerman, Iran
iomial (h.ranjbar(@mail.uk.ac.ir , shahriari_h@yahoo.com )
shift, ? Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, 22" Baman Blvd., Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
minal (honarmand167@yahoo.com)
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KEY WORDS: Geophysics, Integration, Exploration, Classification, Fuzzy Logic
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of the
Sar Cheshmeh area is located in the Central Iranian Volcanic Belt. Mainly the Eocene volcanic rocks that are intruded by the Oligo-
neters Miocene intrusives cover the area. Copper mineralization in the area is mainly of porphyry type and is associated with extensive
ty and hydrothermal alteration. The area has a semi-arid type of climate with abundant rock exposure that makes it suitable for application
s have of remote sensing technique. We have observed that neither ASTER nor airborne geophysical data can delineate all hydrothermally
ed on altered areas individually. Bands 5, 7 and 9 of ASTER are integrated with airborne geophysical data, which are K, Th and U counts,
and total magnetic intensity. Two well-known copper mineralizations namely Sar Cheshmeh and Darrehzar are chosen as training
ry by sets. The integrated data has been classified by using fuzzy method. Ground sampling proved that this method could help
within hydrothermal alteration mapping in such area with more accuracy.
Mason, 2002, Yoshiki, N.…, 2002, Rowan et al, 2003).
o. the Many of the known porphyry copper deposits are situated in the Theoretically, the SWIR bands of ASTER have more
ortho: Central Iranian volcanic Belt(figure 1). This belt has a great capability than the Landsat for recognition of areas with
of the potential as far as Tertiary porphyry copper deposits are hydrothermal alteration.
concerned. Large part of this belt has not been explored in
detail for base metals mineralization. Quantitative integration of diverse multi-source geo-
information, including geological, geochemical, geophysical
Porphyry type deposits are associated with hydrothermal and remote sensing data has been attempted by different
alterations such as phyllic, argillic, potassic and propylitic. approaches such as regression — analysis(Sinclair and
ndling Hydroxyl minerals are abundant in the phyllic, argillic and Woodsworth, 1973; Chung and Agterberg, 1980),
: Joint potassic zones. At the same time an oxide zone is developing characteristic analvsis (McCammon et al, 1983), canonical
2003 , over many of the porphyry bodies which are rich in iron oxide correlation analysis (Pan and Harris, 1992), principal
minerals. The previous studies have shown that the elevated components (Ranjbar et al, 2002), Baysian frameworks,
. RPC potassium in the sericite zone is often observed around the weights of evidence (Bonham-Carter et al., 1988), Dempster-
^D mineralization areas and also acid sulfate conditions resulting shafer belief and plausibility function ( An et al, 1994;
from weathering of near surface sulfides can result in Th Tangestani and Moore, 2003). fuzzy sets (An et al, 1991;
rd and mobilization from host rocks and can precipitate with iron in Chung and Fabbri, 1995; Majumder et al., 1998; Luo and
\SPRS gossan (Dickson et al.. 1996). Therefore, radiometry surveys Dimitrakopoulos, 2003) and neural networks (Singer and
may be used as a tool for exploration of such geological Kouada, 1996).
features.. Pitcher et al. (1994) and Ranjbar et al. (2001) have
or worked on a part of Helicopter Magnetic Eelectromagnetic Remote sensing techniques and spatial data analysis through
03, on
Radiometric (HMER) data and concluded that the porphyry
copper deposits in the Kerman region are showing a distinct
magnetic low, relative to the host rocks, a potassium counts
Geographie Information Systems (GIS) have been jointly
applied in a mineral exploration context to identify porphyry
rich potential areas in the central Iranian volcanic- sedimentary
: High high and low resistivity. belt. Results confirm the usefulness of this integrated
gional methodological approach as an effective tool to assess mineral
Different workers have used ASTER data for geological potential in the studied region (Ranjbar and Roonwal, 1997;
Digital mapping in recent years(Rowan and Mars, 2001 ; Liu and Asadi and Hale, 1999; Tangestani and Moore, 2001, 2003;
on, DC
. Corresponding author