Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 Interna 
1.3. O 
Abbreviation: ADEOS AVNIR Temporal: 1996 - 1997 Agency: JAXA Earth Observation Research and 
Long Name: Advanced Earth Spatial: mainly Asia Application Center (EORC) 
Observing Satellite, Advanced Resolution: 16m Multi, 8m Pan URL: http://www.eorc.jaxa.]p/TRMM [ET 
Visible Near Infrared Radiometer Sample: 
Common Uses: environmental TU roi” 
is : Ps Abbr 
awareness and monitoring of such ] Lone 
phenomena as desertification, T 
destruction of tropical forests, and emr 
: ; Comi 
pollution of coastal zones as well | 
as for resource exploration, land | 
use, etc. 
Tokyo Bay Area 
Abbreviation: JERS-1 SAR Temporal: 1992 - 1998 Agency: JAXA Earth Observation Research and 
Long Name: Japanese Earth Spatial: mainly Asia, South America Application Center (EORC) Abbr 
Resources Satellite-1, Synthethic and Africa region URL: http://www.eorc.jaxa.jp/TRMM Long 
Apeture Radar Resolution: 18m x 18m Sample: Satell 
Common Uses: high-resolution, T Com 
high-contrast observation, and 
accurate determination of 
topographical features, such as 
undulations and slopes, 
independently of weather 
conditions, even during fog or 
cloud cover. 
Amazon mosaic 
Abbreviation: JERS-1 OPS Temporal: 1992 - 1998 Agency: JAXA Earth Observation Research and Abbr 
Long Name: Japanese Earth Spatial: mainly Asia, South America Application Center (EORC) Long 
Resources Satellite-1, Optical and Africa region URL: hitp://Www.eorc.jaxa.jp/TRMM Com 
Sensor Resolution: 18m x 18m Sample: « 
Common Uses: ‘ 
e survey the earth 
e monitors sea status 
e obtains other 
information useful for 
improving our life 
Melbourne, Australia Abbr 

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