Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

anbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Abbreviation: POLDER 
Long Name: POLarization and 
Directionality of the Earth's 
Common Uses: 
e Aerosols, 
e Earth radiation budget, water 
vapor, clouds 
e Land surfaces 
e Ocean color 
Temporal: 1996 - 2003 
Spatial: global 
6x7km at nadir (swath: 2400 km) 
Agency: CNES 
URL: http://smsc.cnes.fr/POLDER/index.htm 
Mediterranean Basin 
Abbreviation: AVISO 
Long Name: Archiving, 
Validation and Interpretation of 
Satellite Oceanographic data 
Common Uses: 
e Forecasting the ocean 
e Marine tides 
e Level of oceans, enclosed 
seas and lakes, hydrology 
e Ocean circulation 
« Geophysics 
e Geodesy 
« Marine meteorology and 
atmospheric studies 
e Climate previsions 
El Nino 
e Ice over seas and lands 
e Ocean seasons 
* Ocean's hot news 
Temporal: 1991-present 
Spatial: global 
Resolution: variable 
Agency: CLS / CNES 
URL: http://aviso.cls.fr/ 
Abbreviation: IRS-P3 MOS 
Long Name: Modular 
Optoelectronic Scanner 
Common Uses: 
e Ocean color 
e land mapping 
e atmospheric 
Temporal: 1996 - present 
Spatial: selected regional at reception 
Resolution: 500m 
Agency: German Aerospace Center (DLR) 
URL: http://eoweb.dir.de 

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