Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
the soil moisture content in the first meter of the soil layer, 
ranging between 0 and 100. If soil hydrologic soil properties are 
known (wilting level, field capacity and total water holding 
capacity) the SWI can be related to the volumetric soil 
moisture content. ; 
An advanced change detection approach fully exploits the 
unique sensor design of the ERS scatterometers with three 
antennas simultaneously observing the Earth surface at different 
look directions and the availability of 10 years of high quality 
backscatter data. The dependency of the reflected signal to the 
incidence angle depends on the amount of vegetation on the 
surface. For correcting vegetation effects, we use the fact that 
there exist an incidence angle, which varies with the moisture 
conditions, were the effect of vegetation is minimized. 
M Forest ® 
L] Frost/snow 
Bl azimuthal artefart 
Figure 12. Global SWI derived from ERS scatterometer 
measurements in January (1992-2000 average). 
Global soil moisture fields are also derived from passive 
microwave measurements (Aqua / AMSR). The parameter is 
here defined as the content of water within the uppermost meter 
of soil. The starting point of the analysis is to consider ground 
measurements from the former Soviet Union. The data set 
comprises soil moisture measurements of the upper 1 meter soil 
layer at 50 stations. Measurements are taken every 10 days 
during the period 1952 to 1985. 
Figure 13. Multi- 
year mean soil 
moisture as 
derived from 
SMMR (1978- 
Longtime mean retrieved soil mobsiure / mm 
A two step methodology is then applied: first, the time averaged 
soil moisture at each grid point is calculated as a linear 
regression function of the long-time mean precipitation from 
GPCP (Global Precipitation Climatology Project), the 
vegetation density cover from the UMD-1km land cover map, 
and soil texture and terrain slope from FAO. The coefficients of 
the regression are calculated using the ground measurements. 
In a second step, the remaining temporal variance of soil 
moisture can be inferred at each grid point using three 
temporally varying parameters. These are the precipitation 
(again from GPCP), the air temperature, and the horizontally 
polarized 10 Ghz brightness temperature from AMSR. A further 
linear regression yields the temporal varying part of soil 
4.8 Precipitation 
The goal is to develop a global scale daily precipitation product 
based on existing multi-satellite products and bias-corrected 
precipitation gauge analyses. The objective is to improve the 
GPCP-1DD global multi-satellite product with a better 
calibration making use of bias-corrected rain gauge analyses 
based on about 6000 synoptic stations. 
01.07.2000 [EEE I I I I I EX Precipitation [mm/d) 
no dela 025 us 1 2 4 8 16 31 4 
Sauren: GPCP-1D0 Slabsics means 271,51: = 6.88, «Md 2 8 45, ruin a 1.80, maso 22 0t 
Figure 14. GPCP-1DD multi-satellite estimates of precipitation 
(mm) for July 01, 2000. 
The GPCP-IDD multi-satellite product is derived from geo- 
stationary sensors data in the 40° north-south belt, and TOVS 
data from the polar orbiting NOAA 12/14. It is calibrated with 
monthly precipitation data being near-real-time available based 
upon reports from GPCP. Currently, there does not exist any 
operational global daily precipitation product, which is based 
on bias-corrected gauge analyses. The idea here is to collect 
global daily rain gauge data for the period 1997-2003, and to 
correct them for systematic measurement errors. The bias 
correction of the ground-based precipitation measurements is 
needed, because of the under-catch of operational rain gauges, 
which is on the order of 5-30 percent on average. Then, the rain 
gauge data will be interpolated to a global regular 1° 
longitude/latitude grid. GPCP satellite product and rain-gauge 
measurements will be co-kriged to estimate the final CSP 
precipitation product. 
4.9 Evapotranspiration 
The actual evapotranspiration in energy units represents the 
latent heat flux exchanged between the land surface and the 
atmospheric boundary layer. 
The actual evapotranspiration is calculated as the difference 
between the daily net radiation and the daily sensible heat flux, 
under the assumption that the soil heat flux can be neglected. 
An additional correction for photosynthetic light use is cari’: 
and t 
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