Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
coastal zone should reflect the impacts and responses of the 
coastal system to this factor. Based therefore on the assumption 
that variations in vulnerability within the coastal zone are 
controlled by primary variations in the human and physical 
coastal interchange several critical parameters were identified. 
These parameters were (i) the geomorphic structure of the 
coastal environment, (ii) the potential for wetland migration, 
(iii) the locations of major rivers and deltas, (iv) population 
density classes and (v) administrative boundaries. According to 
these parameters, the world's coastline was segmented into 
homogeneous coastal segments on which all modelling and 
analysis in DIVA were based. The theory behind the 
segmentation methodology employed in DINAS-COAST is 
discussed in detail by McFadden et al. (2003). 
The choice of the data model also addresses the physical and 
functional requirements of the project. The segmentation of the 
coastline was used as a means to provide a series of spatial 
reference units for the modelling tool of the project and to link 
it to the GIS database and to the graphical output. Considering 
the restrictions of storage space, imposed by the form in which 
the DIVA tool has been produced and will be disseminated, the 
database that would be included in the final product had to be 
as lean and as well-structured as possible, without however 
compromising the quality of the output results. À large database 
would not only be impossible to store on a single CD-ROM but 
would also substantially decrease the performance targets set 
for DIVA, thus rendering the tool inefficient and user 
unfriendly. Based on these facts and also due to the scale and 
size of the project, the selection of the segmentation criteria 
described in the previous paragraph was necessary for 
achieving the target of a manageable database. In this way it 
was ensured that the database would not be populated by “an 
unmanageable profusion of impossibly small line segments ... 
and degenerate into an unmanageable and grossly 
overcomplicated assemblage” (Bartlett et al., 1997, p.141) 
which would have severe impacts on the analysis and graphical 
display performance of the tool. 
Due to the explicit spatial nature of the data and of the type of 
operations required for populating the database, both tasks were 
performed as pre-processing steps within a GIS, externally to 
DIVA (Hinkel and Klein, 2003). For this purpose, a GIS 
database containing individual data layers that have been 
collected from various sources (table 1) was compiled. Due to 
the scale of the project, data collection primarily relied upon the 
contents of the vast archives of existing datasets. Datasets 
derived from remote sensing data have been an important data 
source as such data offer a globally coherent view of the earth, 
are largely unaffected by national data collection practices, can 
be aggregated comparatively easily and are readily available 
(Rhind and Clark, 1988). These datasets were complemented 
with analogue cartographic data from various sources which 
were converted into digital form and were incorporated in the 
database. According to Rhind and Clark (1988) the integration 
of remotely-sensed and analogue cartographic data offers the 
most promising approach to globally coherent, up-to-date and 
scientifically valid databases. Finally, tabular datasets collected 
from various organisations (e.g. UNESCO) as well as expert- 
judgement assessments were employed in cases where gaps in 
global coverage existed for certain parameters. 
Dataset Format Source 
Gridded Population Raster CIESIN 
of the World 
World Elevation Raster NGDC 
and Bathymetry 
Geomorphic type Analogue map McGill, 1958 
Landform type Analogue map Valentin, 1952, 
Tidal Range Raster IGBP-LOICZ 
Wetlands database Tabular CCRU 
Second Level Polygon DCW, ESRI 
Admin. Boundaries 
Table 1. Characteristic datasets, from different sources and in 
different formats, that were included in the database 
After the compilation of the GIS database, the segmentation of 
the world's coastline was performed according to the criteria 
described in section 2.2. This process produced. 12,148 coastal 
segments (Figure 1). 
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Figure 1: An example of the coastline segmentation. Display of 
segments for the European and North African coast. 
Since the original data that were stored in the GIS database 
were in various formats (e.g. rasters, polygons, points), 
extensive GIS processing was undertaken in order to reference 
the existing data to the linear-representation model of the coast 
that was chosen for DIVA. The processing methodology varied 
for each dataset, depending on factors such as the source, the 
origin, the nature and the format of the data and the 
requirements of the DIVA model. The methodology used for 
each parameter is analytically described in the associated DIVA 
metadata files. 
The final outcome of this referencing process was a database 
where each coastline segment has a unique numeric id and is 
associated with its attribute data in a table (Figure 2). Attribute 
data are included at different spatial levels (e.g. country, 
administrative units, regions) depending on the scale and 
accuracy of the original data and on the requirements of the 
algorithms incorporated into DIVA. The DIVA database is 

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