Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
The main objectives of this work were: 
1) to study the influence in households that have been affected 
by a variation of cultivated surfaces, productions and incomes 
from agricultural product sold during the period from 1995 to 
1997 before the project and 1997 to 2002 after the project, in 
order to determine indications that can permit us to appreciate 
their standard of living, 
2) to analyse the consequences of the tracing of the pipeline on 
children education, and health care of affected household. 
3) to finally propose a method of optimal management of agro 
- economic effects of project at the level of these households. 
The population of the rural zone are mostly farmers and have 
agriculture as the only source of incomes. The households in 
the villages affected by the pipeline project in the subdivision 
of BIPINDI need to readjust their activities to improve their 
incomes and the development of the region. 
The indemnities paid should help them to reinvest in other 
For the realisation of this work we are going to use the method 
of << stratified random sampling >> for the selection of 
households to be interviewed, we are going to use Cost Benefit 
Analysis method and the Study of the Project Effects on the 
land. We have selected six villages affected by the project in 
Bipindi Sub-Division. We came out with the following data of 
334 households out of 454 censured in 1997 which, had a 
percentage of 73.54 %. This data has been analysed on the base 
of Cost Benefit Analysis Method and also by Project Effect. 
The present assessment of socio-economic impacts of the 
pipeline project on the boarding households is going to address 
the influence of the agricultural activities from 1995 to 2002 
with the attendance in schools health care. Some three plants, 
Cassava + Living Crops (LC) Palm tree and Cacao) as 
indicators following some criterias of which the most important 
are: 1) the frequency of the crops and their availability in the 
markets; 2) their cultivation as regular sources of household 
incomes; 3) living crops must be consumed more in the zone. 
The instrument used here was the questionnaire initiated to 
determine the different types of crops which are the sources of 
household incomes in the zone of investigation. Investigations 
in these villages have been done during a period of two 
months, from 6 of September to October 27th, 2002. 
The following data give the variation of cultivated areas 
between 1995 and 1997 and between 1997 and 2002. 
Selected responding household are listed in table 1 
Table 1: Number of households studied 
um ome Haesehels i57] Total | Selected | Percentage 
Villages - 
BISSIANG 72 32 72. 2256 
BANDEWOURI 34 31 91.18% 
NTDOUA 24 21 87.5% 
GRAND-ZAMBI 53 39 73. 58% 
LAMBI 87 67 77. 58% 
BIDJOUKA 184 124 67. 39% 
TOTAL 454 334 73.57% 
5.1 — Variations of cultivated areas 
Graphs 1 and 2 on cultivated areas show us the behaviours of 
households before and after identification of the itinerary of the 
pipeline project. We can observe the impairment of cultivated 
areas of cocoa from 5.98 % to 5.09 % and the cassava *LC from 
34.73 % to 32.34 % from 1997 to 2002. The increase of palm tree 
area is due to the activity of youth who create new farm area. 
Figure 1: Variation of cultivated areas from 1995 
To 1997 
$ 251 
S 20r 
t. Ei Greater 
9 45 
S B Equal 
a. 10; D Smaller 
Cassava* LC 
Different crops 
Figure 2: Variation of cultivated areas from 1997 
to 2002 
35 |. 
30/7 | 
Oo 1 
© 7 { 1 
e 2 | s IEl Greater | 
3 15} | | | 
S A |W Equal 
& 1 | iD Smaller | 
Palm tree 
Different crops 

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