Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
The data include MOC NA images, MOLA profile and MGS 
trajectory data. MOC is a linear pushbroom scanner taking one 
line of an image at a time (Albee et al., 2001). The NA camera 
with 2048 detectors and 3.5 m focal length acquires high- 
resolution images with 1.4 meter/pixel at nadir. Stereopair of 
high-resolution images from the NA camera are used for this 
study. Table 1 illustrates the properties of high-resolution MOC 
stereo pair images based on the three study sites. The stereo 
geometry of MOC is across track configuration with one small 
emission angle for one nadir image and one large emission 
angle for the other off-nadir image. Line exposure time is a 
quite important property for the processing of linear pushbroom 
images. Images are acquired from an acquisition time at the rate 
of the line exposure time. The image acquisition time in Table 1 
shows all images are taken between March and May 2001. Line 
exposure times and ground space distances (GSD) are different 
for every image as illustrated in Table 1. Ground space distance 
indicates the ground distance per pixel, and varies from 3.3 
meter/pixel to 5.5 meter/pixel depending on the image. 
Table 1. Properties of MOC stereo images 
Site Name Eos Chasma Gusev Crater Isidis Planitia 
Image E02 E04 E02 E02 E02 E02 
Name 02855 | 01275 | 00665 | 01453 | 01301 | 02016 
Emission [046 11797 |-02 224: 1.3391 92 
Angle (?) 
Acquisition 54 
Date (2001) Mar.31 [May 18| Mar. 8 (Mar. 17|Mar.15 |Mar. 23 
Exposure |, 8078 | 15052 | 1.4462 | 1.4462 | 0.9642 | 1.4462 
Time (ms) 
File Size | 9856 | 7424 | 10112 | 8960 | 7680 | 7680 
(H*W) *672 | *1024 | *1024 | *1024 | *1024 | *1024 
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MOLA is designed to understand global three-dimensional 
topography and atmosphere around Mars using laser signals 
(Smith et al, 2001). If MOLA data and MOC images are 
obtained at the same time, the MOLA profiles are called 
simultaneous MOLA profiles. Thus, one MOC image has one 
linear-pattern MOLA profile and this study uses the 
simultaneous MOLA profiles of each image. Among several 
standard MOLA data products, this study is based on Precision 
Experiment Data Record (PEDR) data generated using 
precision orbit data. PEDR data consists of areocentric 
longitude and latitude, range, planetary radius, topographic 
height, and ephemeris time. Figure | shows the MOLA ranging 
principle in measuring distance between MGS and a footprint 
of laser signal on the surface. The range is calculated from the 
time-of-flight of laser pulses and the vacuum speed of light 
(Abshire et al, 1999). In Figure 1, planetary radius, R_MGS and 
R_areoid indicate the distances from the center of Mars to the 
surface, MGS and areoid respectively. Areoid is the reference 
surface on Mars. Topographic height can be calculated using 
geometry in Figure 1 (Abshire et al, 1999). The ephemeris time 
IS the time instant that a laser signal is shot. Along with the 
information provided in PEDR, 3-D ground coordinates, X, Y 
and Z, of MOLA profiles in Mars body-fixed system, IAU 2000 
reference system, can be derived from areocentric longitude 
and latitude (Shan et al. 2004). 
Mars center 
Figure |. MOLA range, topographic height and planetary radius 
The property of linear pushbroom images and collinearity 
equations are used for the calculation of MOC image 
coordinates of MOLA points. The registration of MOLA, which 
is a precedent step of this research, is reported in (Yoon and 
Shan, 2003). For the convenience of readers, this process is 
briefly summarized. First, MOC exterior orientations are 
extracted at a constant time interval from SPICE (Spacecraft, 
Planet, Instrument, C matrix (rotation) and Event) that is a 
library provided by NAIF NASA. Using SPICE, binary 
navigation data as it is called a kernel can be accessed by time. 
Time-dependent exterior orientation of each MOC scan line is 
modeled by a second order polynomial (Shan et al, 2004). 
Secondly, image coordinates of corresponding MOLA profiles 
are calculated using the collinearity equations with the exterior 
orientation from the sensor model and the ground coordinates 
of MOLA profiles. 
The result of the above calculation shows MOLA profiles are 
registered into different positions on the two stereopair images. 
It was previously reported that the registration shifts are around 
325 meters mainly in the flight direction in all three study sites. 
The results are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 to compare with 
bundle adjustment results. To precisely correct this mis- 
registration and obtain accurate point determination, a bundle 
adjustment is developed and implemented. 
The combined adjustment integrates primarily MOLA profiles, 
MOC image orientation data, and tie points collected on MOC 
stereo images. Various types of measurements and their a priori 
standard deviations are introduced in the bundle adjustment. 
Image coordinates of MOLA and tie points, MOLA ranges, 
MOLA ground coordinates, MOC exterior orientation are 
considered as measurements in the bundle adjustment. Image 
coordinates of MOLA footprints initially result from the 
previous registration procedure, while image coordinates of tie 
points are manually and automatically measured on stereo 

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