Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Since we assume, that $ and the parameters of orientation of all 
images J, and thus also all vj, are known, the only unknown 
parameters for the computation of G(x'y’) (equation 4) are the 
parameters of the object surface model, the DTM heights Z,, 
and Ap. Each considered object surface element can be 
projected into the image space of each used image / using the 
well known collinearity equations. At the resulting position 
P, (x “y ) the image grey value gx. y ) can be resampled from 
the recorded grey values. The g; are considered as observations 
in a least-squares adjustment for the estimation of the 
unknowns. The corresponding observation equations read: 
, x ^ ^ ^ ; ^ : 
v(x, py) = G (Zu, Ar ) = (x (Ze. ). (Zu. )) (5) 
where w(x’,y’) residuals of observed grey value in image / 
Ze. DTM-heights (k — column; / — row), unknown 
A 2 reflectance coefficient, unknown 
G model grey value 
gi observed grey value in image j 
After inserting equation (4) into equation (5) we obtain: 
vj) UR Ves) Peeej(2n.7]] 
(I-A) cosfi (241 )) = 8j (s (Zi, )»( Zk )) 
Equation (6) is non-linear with regard to 2^ and for this 
reason initial values have to be available for the unknown 
object space parameters Z,, and 4, for carrying out the least- 
squares adjustment. 
In order to investigate the proposed method with real 
extraterrestrial imagery we have selected suitable overlapping 
images from NASA's 1994 scientific lunar mission Clementine. 
A detailed description of the Clementine mission is published in 
(Nozette et al., 1994). 
At the beginning of this section we investigate and discuss the 
case of a one-image analysis by means of MI-SFS. After that, 
we carry out the multiple-image analysis and determine the 
radius of convergence of the method. 
3.1 Input data 
For the reconstruction of a surface by means of MI-SFS it is 
necessary that following information and data is available: 
e one or more digital images 
e interior and exterior orientation of the images 
e sun position during data acquisition for each image 
e initial values for the unknowns (heights Z,, and Ar) 
For our investigations we selected images from the 
Ultraviolet/Visible (UV/Vis) digital frame camera, a medium 
resolution camera based on CCD-technology. We chose two 
images (figure 2) which were taken from different orbits. Image 
no. 334 is an oblique image with an off nadir angle of 
approximately 12.2 degrees. The second image no. 338 wag 
recorded when the camera was tilted sidewards over the same 
region with an off nadir angle of about 46.8 degrees. The two 
images were recorded with a time difference of 20 hours. We 
assume that during this period of time no changes happened in 
the observed area. The mean geometric resolution of a pixel in 
both images is about 180 m. In the overlapping part of the two 
images an area with a size of 24.3 x 24.3 km? was chosen. The 
altitude difference in this region is about 1.3 km. The selected 
area of the moon is part of the "Northern Mare Orientale Basin" 
(between 16.3? and 14.3? South and 87.3? and 90.9? West) and 
is depicted as the white rectangles in the two images (figure 2). 
The area is divided into 54 x 54 DTM grids with a mesh size of 
450 m. Thus, in total there are 3025 DTM-heights. Each grid 
mesh consisted of 3 x 3 object surface elements with a size of 
150 x 150 m. 
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Figure 2. Selected images: no. 334 (1.), no. 338 (r.) 
3.2 One-image analysis 
In the following, we carried out analyses with one image; 
assuming Lambert (L) and Lommel-Seeliger reflectance (LS). 
This means, that A, the weighting parameter for the ratio of the 
two models, takes the zero and the value one, 
We introduce a manually measured DTM as initial-DTM. This 
DTM was measured several times by different operators using a 
digital photogrammetric workstation. For the unknown 
reflectance coefficient 4, we use the mean grey value of the 
input images as initial value. 
The internal accuracy of the manually measured DTM is about 
80 metres. However, the stereo configuration of the images was 
not optimal and for this reason the measurement of the DTM 
cannot be regarded as reference. Nevertheless, we compared the 
obtained DTMs with the manually measured DTM to calculate 
the mean offset Z, and the standard deviation rms (table 1). 
These parameters include the inaccuracy of the initial-DTM. 
For the interpretation of the accuracy parameters it should be 
noted that the mean position change in the two images of about 
one pixel (pixel size of 23 um) conforms with a height change 
in the DTM of approximately 360 metres. 
No.| Image | Model Absolute | lterations | Zo [m] | rms [m] 
DTM-height | jas 
wl 338 L corner noconv. | - 1 
2 334 L corner no conv. - 
3 338 LS corner | 13 14.7 | 
4 3M ES | comer .] moconv | - 
SS |. 338 | 1S | eoe do ule s 193 1 
6 338 LS edge 14 8.9 
Table 1. Results of the one-image analyses 
With the assumption of a Lambert surface the calculations 
diverge. Analysis no. 3 assuming a Lommel-Seeliger surface 
converges after 13 iterations. The rms value lies below a hall 
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