Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 3. Example of a high-resolution stereopair formed by 
Mars Global Surveyor MOC and Mars Express HRSC-SRC 
images. Left, an HRSC color image of the caldera of 
Olympus Mons showing context. Right, anaglyph 
combining three 4-m/pixel SRC frames (h0037 0002 
through 0004) in red with a 6-m/pixel MOC image (E10- 
03979) in blue-green. Area of anaglyph is approximately 
5x9 km in size and has been rotated slightly to facilitate 
stereo viewing. 
likely to exist. Figure 3 shows an example of a stereopair of 
part of the caldera of Olympus Mons, consisting of a 6- 
m/pixel MOC image and a set of three overlapping 4-m/pixel 
SRC frames. The anaglyph was prepared by projecting the 
two image sets in ISIS. Figure 4 shows an orthomosaic and 
contour map derived from a 15 m/post DEM produced from 
these images in SOCET SET. 
3.3 Photoclinometry 
Photoclinometry provides another means of producing 
DEMs with horizontal resolutions of a few meters from SRC 
images, and one that will be more widely applicable because 
no high resolution stereo partner is needed. As mentioned 
previously, photoclinometry must be "calibrated" by 
determining how much atmospheric haze has reduced the 
contrast of cach image, if quantitatively accurate results are 
to be obtained for Mars. An independent estimate of the 
topography is required but can be of lower resolution. 
Calibration can then be accomplished either by performing 
trial photoclinometry and adjusting the amount of atmo- 
spheric haze subtracted from the image until feature heights 
agree with the a priori data, or by simulating an image from 
an a priori DEM and comparing its contrast with the real 
image (Kirk et al., 2003b). The accuracy of calibration 
depends on the possibility of finding adequately resolved 
common features in the image and the topographic dataset. 
If the only available topography comes from MOLA (which 
has an effective horizontal resolution of hundreds of meters 
at best), finding such features can be difficult or impossible, 
but if a stereo DEM closer to the resolution of the image is 
available, the photoclinometric topography can be calibrat- 
ed to 10—2096 accuracy in amplitude (Kirk et al., 2003a). 
Because HRSC stereo images are obtained simultaneously 
with every SRC frame, nearly every SRC image should be 
usable for calibrated photoclinometry, provided the surface 
albedo is uniform in the area imaged. This opportunity is 
also being exploited by Dorrer et al. (2004). 
4.1 Source Data 
The Mars Exploration Rover Spirit landed in Gusev crater on 
January 4 (UTC), 2004. It was followed 21 days later by the 
rover Opportunity, which landed on Meridiani Planum. Each 
rover carries a copy of the Athena science payload (Squyres 
et al., 2003; Squyres and Athena Science Team, 2004), which 
Includes two science camera systems. The topography, 
morphology, and mineralogy of the scene around each rover 
are revealed by the Pancam stereo camera (and also by the 
Elevation (m) 
above MOLA datum 
Contour Interval 20 
Figure 4. Elevation contours (20 m interval with index 
contours every 100 m) derived from a DEM compiled from 
the stereopair shown in Fig. 3 are overlaid on an 
orthomosaic of the three HRSC-SRC frames. Simple 
Cylindrical projection, north at top, ground sample distance 
15 m for DEM, 4 m for orthomosaic. 
Mini-TES thermal emission spectrometer) from 1.5 m above 
the ground on a mast with azimuth-elevation articulation. 
Filters on Pancam provide 14 color spectral bandpasses over 
the spectral region from 0.4 to 1.1 mm. The angular 
resolution and field of view of the camera are 0.28 
mrad/pixel and 16° (Bell et al., 2003). The instrument arm 
on each rover carries a Microscopic Imager (MI) that is used 
to obtain high-resolution images of the same materials for 
which compositional data are obtained. Its spatial resolution 
is 30 mm/pixel over a 6-mm depth of field (Herkenhoff et al., 
2003). The MI has a limited two-band color imaging capa- 
bility by taking exposures with its yellow-tinted dust cover 
open and closed. These science cameras are supplemented 
by several non-color engineering cameras (Maki et al., 
2003). Navcam, a stereo camera on the Pancam mast, has a 
0.82 mrad/pixel angular resolution and 45? field of view. 
Pairs of hazard avoidance cameras (Hazcams) with 124? field 
of view are mounted at the front and rear of the rover. 
4.2 Processing Objectives 
The USGS has the primary responsibility within the Athena 
team for processing of the MI images. This processing 
includes deriving radiometric and geometric calibrations 
and applying them to all images, creating color images by 
combining either MI dust cover open/closed image pairs or 
MI images and overlapping Pancam color image sets, and 
making MI image mosaics and DEMs derived from MI 
stereopairs. Additional DEMs and "focal section merges" are 
produced by Athena team members at JPL and the NASA 
Ames Research Center by a process of identifying and 
combining the in-focus sections of images taken at different 
distances from the target being images. The majority of 
these objectives could be achieved by a simple processing 
approach that considers only the MI and ignores constraints 
on its motion. Because the instrument arm on which the MI 
rides has only 5 angular degrees of freedom, the position 
and pointing of the camera are not fully independent, but the 

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