Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
The surfaced data should be accomplished with accuracy 
measures information, and validity information to prevent 
misleading designs of GIS based on this data. Before using 
height data assessment should be made and accuracy 
measures should be encountered in the geodatabase in away 
or an other, also total quality aspects should be considered 
before data collection to set a surface modeling factor. 
Encountering modeling rules in a geodatabase shall benefit 
users by insuring data quality and cleanness against these 
rules. Further investigations are to be made for implementing 
such rules and others with the different terrain data modeling 
David, M. T. “ Accuracy and Bias Issues In Surface 
Accuracy of Spatial Databases. Taylor-Francis, London, 
Detrekoi, A. (1995), “Data Quality In GIS Systems”, 
Periodica Polytechnica ser. Civil Eng. Vol. 39 No. 2, pp 77- 
Markus Bela (1992), “Error Management In digital Elevation 
Modeling”, Periodica Polytechnica ser. Civil Eng. Vol. 36 
No. 2, pp 163-177 
Stephen-joel, (1995) “Elements of Spatial Data Quality”, 
Abdulmuttalib H, (1989), “Digital Terrain Modeling 
Experiments on Microcomputers” , B.Sc. Theses 
Abdulmuttalib H., (1993), *GIS In Environmental Modeling 
And Planning", M.Sc. theses. 
Abdulmuttalib H., (1998), *GIS Modeled Surfaces And Total 
Quality Management”, 2" Int. Ph.D. Symposium in Civil 
Engineering 1998 Budapest. 
Detrekoi, A. (1994), “Accuracy and Reliability of the 
Hungarian DEM 
Detrekoi, A. (1994), “Data Quality Management in GIS 
Hereby I take the opportunity to thank my professors, Dr 
Dertrekoi Akos, Dr. Markus Bela, DR Melykuti Gabor, and 
all the others who helped be through creating my way 
through difficulties, Thank You. 

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