Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
2.1.1 Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV): HSV is one of the 
most often used methods to merge multisensor image data, 
and has been widely used to merge Landsat TM and SPOT-P 
data (Chavez et al., 1991). The method uses three bands of 
the lower spatial resolution image and transforms these data 
to the HSV space. The higher spatial resolution image is 
constantly stretched in order to adjust the mean and variance 
to unit intensity. The stretched image replaces the intensity 
component image before the images are back-transformed to 
the RGB space. 
2.1.2 Colour normalized (CN): The colour normalized 
method (Vrabel, 1996) uses a mathematical combination of 
the colour image and high-resolution data to merge the 
higher spatial and higher spectral resolution images. Each 
band in the higher spectral image is multiplied by a ratio of 
the higher resolution data divided by the sum of the colour 
bands. The function automatically resamples the three-colour 
bands to the high-resolution pixel size using a nearest 
neighbour, bilinear, or cubic convolution technique. The 
output RGB images will have the pixel size of the input high- 
resolution data. 
2.2 Geostatistical Simulation 
The basic objective of this procedure is the application of 
geostatistical simulation techniques (direct sequential 
cosimulation, Soares, 2001) to obtain simulated values of the 
10m Landsat TM image from the original 30m Landsat TM 
values and the existing correlation between the Landsat TM 
and SPOT P images. Here, an additional condition applies: 
the mean value of the 9 pixels of the 10m cosimulated 
Landsat TM-SPOT P image (3x3 pixels) must be equal to the 
30m Landsat TM original values. 
From a quantitative point of view, we intend with the 
simulation process to obtain a simulated image that 
reproduces the statistical characteristics. of the merged 
images. The simulated image must have the same mean value 
as the 30m Landsat TM image and the same variance and 
variogram as the SPOT PAN image. 
The core of the proposed merging procedure lies in the use of 
geostatistical simulation techniques. These techniques allow 
generating several realizations of the original values with a 
specific pixel size, preserving the basic statistical 
characteristic of the original images and using information 
derived from the high-resolution image according to the level 
of correlation. 
Let TM;(x) be the digital value of the original 30m Landsat 
TM image for the band i in the pixel of position x, PAN(x) 
the value of the original 10m SPOT-PAN image in the same 
position and finally, TMsim(x) the digital value of the 
simulated 10m Landsat TM-SPOT PAN image in the 
position x. The simulated TMsim(x) must satisfy the 
following requisites: 
I. For any digital value ND: prob{TM(x)<NDj}= 
2. Ypan(h)FYrmsim(h), Where Ypan(h) and Yrmsim(h) are 
the variograms of the original SPOT-PAN and simulated 
Landsat TM-SPOT PAN merged image, respectively; 
3. Conditioning of the simulated images to the 
following condition: the mean of the pixels grouped 
according to the 3x3 pixels scheme must be equal to the 
30m Landsat TM original image values. 
The method used for simulation was the Direct Sequential 
Cosimulation procedure (Co-DSS) (Soares, 2001). One of the 
main advantages of this algorithm over traditional simulation 
methods is that it allows a joint simulation dealing directly 
with the original images. 
The DSS algorithm is applied to simulated TM(x) in a 10m 
grid using TM(x) as primary information and PAN(x) and the 
local correlation coefficient as secondary information and 
using the Markov-type approximation of the collocated 
cokriging method according Goovaerts (1997). 
2.3 Geostatistical merging procedure 
The geostatistical image merging method can be summarized 
in the following steps (Figure 2): 
1. Calculation of the basic statistics, correlation matrix and 
variograms of the several images (bands) that take part in the 
merging process. The calculation is applied to the Landsat 
TM bands and SPOT-P image. 
2. For each band: 
a) Generation of a sufficiently high number of 
cosimulated images. These images are generated using 
the direct cosimulation method utilizing as primary 
information each of the Landsat image's bands, the high- 
resolution image (SPOT-PAN image) as secondary 
information and the local correlation coefficient 
between Landsat TM and SPOT-P (defined in a 
150x150 m window). A total of 10.000 simulated 
images with 10 m pixel size that integrate Landsat and 
SPOT-PAN information was generated for each band; 
b) Resampling the simulated images, grouping them 
in 30x30m size (3x3 pixels) and obtaining 30m 
simulated Landsat-SPOT images; 
c) For each pixel, comparison of the 30m Landsat TM 
original values and 30m resampled simulated Landsat- 
SPOT images. Three cases are possible: 
1. There is only one image where the resampled 
simulated images are equal to the original image. 
In that case, these simulated pixels are selected as 
definite in the final image. 
2. There are several pixels (different simulated 
images) that meet the previous condition. In that 
case, the simulated image that presents the 
maximum local correlation (defined in a 30 x 30m 
window) between SPOT-P and Landsat-TM is 
3. There is any pixel that verifies the condition. In 
this case, it is necessary to obtain additional images 
using the procedure pointed out in step 2. 
3. When all of the pixels are obtained, a final checking 
process is carried out. The objective of this process is 10 
locate all the pixels that present problems in the simulation. 
These pixels are usually pixels in which the local correlation 
values and SPOT-P values are very restrictive. In this cast, 
erratic values are obtained. These values can be adjusted 
using a proportional coefficient that adjust the 30m 
resampled simulated mean values to the corresponding 
Landsat image values. 
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