Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
multiple sensors, and related information from associated 
databases, to achieve improved accuracy and more specific 
inferences that could be achieved by the use of single sensor 
alone (Hall and Llinas, 1997). Integration of disparate data 
sources is a problem that is being investigated for several years. 
Methodologies for integrating different data sources can be 
divided into two major categories, viz., sensor dependent and 
those that are sensor independent (KrishnaMohan et al., 2000). 
[n the former, specific image formation models are 
incorporated into the analysis process. Solberg et al. (1994) 
attempted to fuse LANDSAT-TM and SAR images using SAR 
specific image formation model. This has the advantage of 
using most appropriate features for analysing the image data. 
Sensor independent approaches are based mainly on integrating 
segmentation maps produced by analysing data sets 
individually. Our study belongs to the second category. 
Sensor independent approaches are based mainly on integrating 
segmentation maps produced by analysing data sets 
individually. For instance, region boundaries produced by 
textural segmentation of SAR images can be merged with 
intensity edges produced from visible/infrared images. Here it 
is assumed that the segmentation procedures applied to 
individual data sets are responsible for accounting for all the 
sensor related issues and the integration module is independent 
of the origin of various segmentation maps input to it. Image 
fusion can be performed at three different processing levels 
such as pixel or data level fusion, feature level fusion, and 
decision or interpretation level fusion (Varshney, 1997; Pohl 
and Genderen, 1998). Le Moigne and Tilton (1995) 
integrated edge and region data for refined image segmentation 
and applied it to segmenting LANDSAT TM data. 
KrishnaMohan et al. (2000) suggested IRS image classification 
by fuzzy k-means clustering and fuzzy set theoretic integration 
of landuse /landcover data of two dates. : 
The studies on change detection based on differencing 
radiometrically-normalized images have been performed (Fung, 
1990; Heo and Fitzhugh, 1999; Itthi and Wallapa, 2002). For 
change-detection studies multitemporal data was used (Smara 
et al, 1998; Bruzzone et al, 1999; Saraf, 1999). Remote 
sensing data have also been integrated with GIS data for 
environmental studies (Fegan, 2000; Rocha and Tenedorio, 
2001; Xie et al., 2002.). Urban activities were estimated by 
using thermal and large-scale vector maps (Michaelsen and 
Stilla, 2001). Chu and Agarwal (1993) developed a system to 
integrate edge and region maps to produce accurate 
segmentation from multisensor data consisting of laser range, 
velocity, intensity and thermal infrared images. 
High-resolution remote sensing data over some Japanese cities 
such as Tokyo (TABI, AISA) and Yokohama areas (ADS40) 
were acquired incorporating GPS/IMU for geometric positional 
accuracy preservation. ADS40 has the ground spatial distance 
(GSD) of 20 cm for the multispectral and 10 cm for the 
panchromatic range. Data of AISA (VNIR-Eagle) and TABI 
sensors have 1.5m GSDs for this study (table.1). The images 
used in this work currently mainly cover the DSM of two dates 
generated from pixel matching of stereo pairs of ADS 40 
digital airphotos, thermal data from TABI sensor and hyper- 
spectral data from AISA sensor. The main applications of this 
work will be in the area of image databases for property 
evaluation and other government controlled applications. The 
LIDAR data acquired was tested for change detection studies 
and the results were not presented here due to lack of space. 
From a data fusion perspective, an automated integration of 
Remote Sensing and GIS was suggested. Data from several 
sources (image and non-image) was used and fused in 
combination with the goal of producing output information of 
higher quality than obtainable from a single source. We aimed to 
automate the data fusion and GIS analysis for application of 
change detection study for property tax evaluation and others, 
Our study encompasses: 
e Capability of two date DSM data obtained from a pixel to 
pixel matching was examined for broad as well as subtle 
change-detection application. 
e Integration of thermal images from TABI sensor and 
hyperspectral images from AISA to best differentiate 
man-made structures from vegetated features was attempted. 
e NDVI extracted from AISA and thermal image fusion results 
evaluated for the extraction of subtle man-made structures. 
e Finally, GIS data such as road network to remove mobile 
objects and building plan will be used to extract very subtle 
changes in man-made structures. 
e Importance of colour information other than geometric 
characteristics of roofs was elucidated. 
e To justify the present fusion analysis for property tax 
application, the importance of extracted data from DSM 
change-detection was shown. 
e As a future study broad-change-detection results will be 
fused with NDVI and thermal images. 
Multi-temporal, multi-resolution and multi-sensor data were 
fused to make thematic maps. We aimed to develop a novel 
technology to integrate multi-date, multi-resolution, and 
multi-sensor data for the purpose of subtle change detection. 
We used DSM data obtained from LIDAR and ADS40 stereo 
images, NDVI derived from hyperspectral sensor, road network 
map along with other derived information. 
Figure 1 shows the flow of our present and future methodology 
involved. The figure 1 explains the idea about our fusion for 
the automated mapping and GIS resources purposes. First 
DSM data of two dates obtained from pixel-matching was used 
to identify broad as well as subtle changes in man-made and 
vegetated objects. Surface temperature from TABI images and 
NDVI from AISA images were integrated. It is also planned to 
use Road network area maps, roof parameters and colour 
information of roof to detect subtle changes in features. 
Ultimately we are interested in combining image and textual 
database concepts into a single system in which both can be 
used to reinforce the confidence in results of changes and 
subsequent GIS queries. We initially considered the questions 
of combining several feature detectors to improve their 
performance and reliability on a wider variety of images. 
Moving on from the idea of actually combining individual 
detectors we are now experimenting with the use of ADS40 
image based DSM, TABI sensor data Hyperspectral and 
infrared colour images through some efficient image processing 
algorithm and secondly through a GIS. 

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