Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
image, Figure 3. As mentioned earlier, the end points of the two 
segments need not be conjugate. The similarity measure should 
mathematically describe the fact that the line segment (1-2) 
should coincide with the corresponding line segment (AB) after 
applying the transformation function relating the reference and 
input images. Such a measure can be derived by forcing the 
normal distances between the end points of a line segment in 
the reference image, after applying the transformation function, 
and the corresponding line segment in the input image to be 
zero (ie. nim n, =0°, Figure 3). 
Equation 1 mathematically describes such a constraint for one 
of the end points of the line segment in the reference image. 
x; *cosQ 4 y; -sinO—p=0 (1) 
(p, 0) :are the polar coordinates representing the line 
segment AB in the input image 
(x{, y; ) ‘are the transformed coordinates of point 1 in 
the reference image after applying the registration 
g pp!yıng g 
transformation function. 
The mathematical relationship between the coordinates of a 
point in the reference image (x;, y;) and the coordinates of the 
conjugate point in the input image (x; y;") can be described 
either by Equations 2 or 3 depending on whether we choose 
affine or 2-D similarity registration transformation function, 
T a 
nl lal ta. ly 
r= + (2) 
Y b, b bl» 
One pair of conjugate line segments would yield two 
constraints of the form in Equation 1. Using a given set of 
corresponding line segments, one can incorporate them in a 
least squares adjustment procedure to solve for the parameters 
of the registration transformation function. 
To automate the solution of the registration problem, a 
controlling framework that utilizes the primitives, similarity 
measure, and transformation function must be established. This 
framework is usually referred to as the matching strategy. In 
this research, the Modified Iterated Hough Transform (MIHT) 
is used as the matching strategy. Such a methodology is 
attractive since it allows for simultaneous matching and 
parameter estimation. Moreover, it does not require complete 
correspondence between the primitives in the reference and 
input images. MIHT has been successfully implemented in 
several photogrammetric operations such as automatic single 
photo resection and relative orientation (Habib et al., 2001, 
Habib and Kelley 2001a, 2001b). 
MIHT assumes the availability of two datasets where the 
attributes of conjugate primitives are related to each other 
through a mathematical function (similarity measure 
incorporating the appropriate transformation function). The 
approach starts by making all possible matching hypotheses 
between the primitives in the datasets under consideration. For 
each hypothesis, the similarity measure constraints are 
formulated and solved for one of the parameters in the 
registration transformation function. The parameter solutions 
from all possible matching hypotheses are stored in an 
accumulator array, which is a discrete tessellation of the 
expected range of parameter under consideration. Within the 
considered matches, correct matching hypotheses would 
produce the same parameter solution, which will manifest itself 
as a distinct peak in the accumulator array. Moreover, matching 
hypotheses that contributed to the peak can be tracked to 
establish the correspondence between conjugate primitives in 
the involved datasets. Detailed explanation of the MIHT can be 
found in Habib et al., 2001. The basic steps for implementing 
the MIHT for solving the registration problem are as follows: 
e Approximations are assumed for the parameters which are 
not yet to be determined. The cell size of the accumulator 
array depends on the quality of the initial approximations; 
poor approximations will require larger cell sizes. 
e All possible matches between individual registration 
primitives within the reference and input images are 
evaluated, incrementing the accumulator array at the location 
of the resulting solution, pertaining to the sought-after 
parameter, from each matching hypothesis. 
e After all possible matches have been considered; the peak in 
the accumulator array will indicate the most probable 
solution of the parameter in question. Only one peak is 
expected for a given accumulator array. 
e After each parameter is determined (in a sequential manner), 
the approximations are updated. For the next iteration, the 
accumulator array cell size is decreased to reflect the 
improvement in the quality of the parameters. Then, the 
above two steps are repeated until convergence is achieved 
(for example, the estimated parameters do not significantly 
change from one iteration to the next). 
e By tracking the hypothesized matches that contributed 
towards the peak in the last iteration, one can determine the 
correspondence between conjugate  primitives. These 
matches are then used in a simultaneous least squares 
adjustment to derive a stochastic estimate of the involved 
parameters in the registration transformation function. 
To illustrate the feasibility and the robustness of the suggested 
registration process, experiments have been conducted using 
real data from different imaging systems, Table 1. These scenes 
were captured at different times (multi-temporal) and exhibit 
significantly varying geometric and radiometric properties. 
Table 1. Multi-temporal images for the city of Calgary with 
various geometric and radiometric resolutions 
Source Date Size Ground 
Rows xColumns Resolution 
Aerial 1956 1274 x 1374 5.0 (m) 
Aerial 1972 1274 x 1374 3.5 (m) 
Ortho-photo 1999 2000 x 2000 5.0 (m) 
Landsat 7 | 2000 500 x 500 15 (m) 
Landsat 7 2001 300 x 300 30 (m) 

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