Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
First, the parameters of the registration transformation function 
(using 2-D similarity and affine transformation functions) are 
estimated using well distributed tie points, which have been 
manually identified in the scenes, Table 2. The variance 
component (52) in (Pixel ^ derived from the least squares 
procedure summarizes the quality of fit between the involved 
primitives in the registration process. Smaller variance 
component indicates a better fit between the registration 
primitives. The selection of common points in the various 
scenes proved to be a very difficult and time-consuming task. 
Analyzing the results in Table 2, one can see that the estimated 
variance component has improved using affine transformation 
when compared to that derived through 2-D similarity 
Table 2. Transformation parameters based on manual point 
Ortho-56 Ortho-72 Ortho-00 Ortho-01 
6? 4.3580 2.1334 1.5207 0.8402 
a, 95.0619 64.3973 89.8651 52.9031 
b, -105.2252 272.1483 73.5173 30.9711 
a 0.9164 1.3015 0.3347 0.1587 
Eh -0.0185 0.0590 0.0127 -0.0512 
Ortho-56 Ortho-72 Ortho-00 Ortho-01 
o7 4.1231 1.7976 1.504 0.8089 
a, 93.8898 63.4821 90.9108 51.4447 
a 0.9120 1.2977 0.3360 0.1572 
a 0.0162 -0.0622 -0.0116 0.0493 
b, -105.5540 272.0775 73.9394 31.0340 
b -0.0216 0.0560 0.0123 -0.0488 
b; 0.9196 1.3038 0.3318 0.1601 
Afterwards, straight-line segments were manually digitized in 
the available scenes. As an example, Figure 4 shows the 
digitized segments in Aerial 1956 and Ortho-photo 1999 
scenes. In this figure, one can see that there is no complete (i.e., 
one-to-one) correspondence between the digitized primitives in 
the input and reference images. The digitized segments are then 
incorporated in the MIHT strategy to automatically determine 
the correspondence between conjugate line segments as well as 
the parameters involved in the registration transformation 
function. The estimated registration transformation parameters 
as well as the corresponding variance component for all the 
datasets are listed in Table 3. 
Table 3. Transformation parameters based on 
matched lincar features using MIHT 
Ortho-56 Ortho-72 Ortho-00 Ortho-01 
à; 2.2298 2.7774 1.7599 0.8977 
A 94.0756 65.4424 87.9770 53.1336 
b, -106.6365 269.8632 75.8580 30.9736 
a 0.9195 1.3041 0.3341 0.1595 
bi -0.0210 0.0562 0.0132 -0.0507 
Ortho-56 Ortho-72 Ortho-00 Ortho-01 
6} 2.1785 2.0657 1.6761 0.8522 
ao 94.0991 64.6135 89.5263 52.7716 
ai 0.9181 1.3018 0.3355 0.1589 
a 0.0181 -0.0592 -0.0105 0.0500 
bh. -106.6896 270.2862 75.7333 31.3885 
bi -0.0229 0.0542 0.0142 -0.0506 
b, 0.9204 1.3053 0.3334 0.1612 
Similar to the results from the point datasets, the affine 
transformation produced better results than the 2-D similarity 
transformation. Moreover, comparing the results in tables 2 and 
3, one can see that utilizing linear features led to a better fit 
between the scenes than that derived using point features. This 
should be expected since identifying linear features in multi- 
resolution imagery is much more reliable and accurate than 
distinct points. 
As mentioned earlier, the affine transformation is valid when 
assuming relatively flat terrain. In this context, linear features 
are advantageous since they restrict the selected primitives 
along relatively flat terrain as represented by the road network. 
This might not be the case for point primitives that might have 
significant relief distortions (e.g., simultaneous considerations 
of points along the terrain as well as high rise buildings). 
Finally, observing the estimated shift components among the 
registered scenes (ao, bo), one can see that the proposed strategy 
successfully converged without the need for approximate 
registration of these scenes. 
= | Ortho-photo 1999 Linear Features 
—^ Matched Aerial 1956 Linear Features 
- « « Non-Matched Aerial 1956 Linear Features 
Figure 4. Established correspondences between the 1956 aerial 
image and the 1999 ortho-photo line segments 
Figure 4 depicts established correspondences between the 
digitized primitives in the Ortho-photo 1999 and Aerial 1956 
scenes. The estimated transformation parameters are used to 
resample the reference image to the coordinate system 
associated with the input image. Figure 5 shows a mosaic image 
derived by combining Landsat 2000, Orho-photo 1999, and 
Aerial 1956. A closer look to this figure reveals the following 
e Due to the limited area covered by Landsat image 2000, 
Figure 5(a), image completion concept has been applied to 
obtain full coverage for the city of Calgary. Aerial 1956 and 
ortho photo were used to achieve such a task Figure 5(b). 
One should note that multi-image integration has been 
accomplished. This is an important process that is needed to 
cope with large diversity of contemporary available images. 
e In Figure 5(c), every other square patch in the reference 
image has been replaced by the corresponding resampled 
patch in the input image. It can be seen that features (e.g. 
roads, rivers, buildings) in the derived mosaic accurately fit 
each other (observe the smooth transition along the features 
within the resampled patches). This proves the validity of the 
estimated parameters of the transformation function relating 
these scenes. 

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