Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
As in equation (1), this transformation requires the RY (t) 
rotation matrix that aligns the camera axes to the mapping 
space axes and the r¢ pg offset vector between the GPS 
antenna and camera perspective centre. 
By rearranging Equation (2), the reverse transformation is 
found to be 
r, = p [ M (rM = rips) F r&ps) : (3) 
Elimination of the third equation yields a pair of modified 
collinearity equations, 
ri1( Xp — Xaps) t riz(Yp — YaPs) 
+r13(Zp — Zops) + TGPS 
Ip = - C—, ; (4a) 
F rai(Xp — Xaps) * ra (Yp — Yaps) 
+r33(Zp — Zaps) + zGPs 
r21(Xp — Xaps) + r22(ŸP — YaPs) 
+ras(Zp — Zaps) + yaps 
és 23 (21 GPS) + YGPS (4b) 
Ta(Xp—- Xa ps) +r32(Yp — Yaps)' 
+r33(Zp I Zaps) + ZGPS 
By examining Equation (4), it can be seen that the expo- 
sure station positions are no longer explicitly present in the 
collinearity equations, and that essentially, the GPS posi- 
tions form the *base' ofthe equations. This has a number of 
advantages. First, the GPS positions can be directly used as 
the initial approximates in the linearised collinearity equa- 
tions. Second, because the GPS positions are one of the 
quantities being adjusted, the position measurements can 
be directly used as parameter observations. In this case, 
the parameter observation equation is 
M ^M 
0 = raps — "GPS: (5) 
where PM S represents the current estimate of the posi- 
tion during the adjustment. Adjusting the GPS positions di- 
rectly also means that they are one of the quantities output 
by the adjustment. This allows for easy comparison with 
the input positions, which in turn simplifies the analysis of 
the results. Finally, expressing the collinearity equations as 
a function of the GPS positions means that the inclusion of 
the raw GPS pseudorange and phase measurements in the 
adjustment can be done with greater ease than would other- 
wise be possible, as such measurements are also functions 
of the GPS positions. This last point provides the motiva- 
tion for the project under investigation in this paper. 
2.3 Inclusion of the Pseudorange Measurements 
in the Photogrammetric Adjustment 
With the collinearity equations expressed by Equation (4), 
inclusion ofthe GPS pseudorange measurements in the pho- 
togrammatric adjustment is straightforward. Essentially, 
simple observation equations with the form 
p= Iraps/sv| T c^, (6) 
are added to the adjustment, where p is the GPS pseudor- 
ange measurement, c is the speed of light, and At, is the 
receiver clock bias. This last term is added to the adjust- 
ment as an unknown parameter. 
Including the pseudorange measurement in the adjustment 
should improve the mapping accuracy and, more impor- 
tantly, reliability. Furthermore, it enables GPS data to be 
used when less than four satellites are visible. While this 
is not generally an issue for aerial mapping platforms, it 
could be beneficial for terrestrial mobile mapping systems. 
Equation (6) assumes that the only error in the code pseu- 
dorange measurement is random noise. In reality, of course, 
this is not the case. There are a number of systematic er- 
rors present in the observations, and when the largest of 
these are accounted for the pseudorange observation equa- 
tion more completely resembles 
D= Iraps/sv + örsv| (7) 
— eALw = Dip) + dione + di ropo- (8) 
In the above equation, Óórsy is the error in the satellite co- 
ordinates, A£,, is the satellite clock bias, d;,,,, is the iono- 
spheric delay, and dopo 1 the tropospheric (or neutral at- 
mosphere) delay. These error sources and the techniques 
to mitigate them are well documented — see, for example, 
Hofmann-Wellenhof et al. (1994). However, for complete- 
ness these errors and the specific steps taken in this project 
to mitigate them are detailed below. 
3.1 Satellite Position Errors 
The GPS satellite position errors are commonly divided 
into along-track, across-track, and radial components. Due 
to the great distance to the satellites, the former two error 
components do not significantly project onto the measured 
ranges. Thus, they can, effectively, be disregarded. The ra- 
dial error, however, directly impacts ranges observed from 
the satellites and must therefore be examined. Figure | 
shows the radial satellite position errors for the entire GPS 
constellation during a one-week period in May of 2003. 
For this period, the root-mean-square (RMS) radial error is 
just over 1.1m and the maximum error is close to 5m. 
The satellite position error, radial or otherwise, is easily 
corrected for using precise ephemerides. Precise ephem- 
erides are observed or predicted orbits that are freely avail- 
able from a number of organisations that include the United 
States’ National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) and 
the International GPS Service (1GS). In the case of the lat- 
ter, several products are available, with accuracies ranging 
from 25cm for predicted orbits to better than 5 cm for ob- 
served orbits with a two-week latency. Either accuracy is 
well below the expected accuracy of the pseudorange mea- 
surements. Precise ephemerides typically have a sample 
interval of 15 minutes. To determine satellite positions be- 
tween samples, polynomial interpolation is normally used 
(Hofmann-Wellenhof et al., 1994). A seventh-order inter- 
polator is typically sufficient. 
It should be noted that it is also possible to view the GPS 
satellite position errors as errors in the control points defin- 
ing the photogrammetric network datum, instead of group- 
ing them with the other range errors as was done here. This 
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