Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
were available for comparing with the adjustment output. 
Dual-frequency GPS observations at 2Hz were collected 
along with the imagery. Additionally, a dual-frequency 
base station in the centre of the block collected GPS ob- 
servations at | Hz. 
There were several problems with the data set that com- 
plicated the generation and analysis of results. Foremost 
among these was that only orthometric heights were avail- 
able for the check points. Because an accurate geoid model 
for the test region was unavailable, these heights could 
not be converted into ellipsoidal heights compatible with 
the GPS heights determined in the adjustment. In an ad- 
mittedly imperfect solution, the vertical datum shift was 
solved for in an adjustment that treated all the check points 
as control points and used exposure station position ob- 
servations generated from the best possible dual-frequency 
carrier-phase GPS solution (to solve for the datum shift it 
is necessary to constrain both datums). In addition to the 
large vertical datum shift, it was felt that there may also 
have been small horizontal datum shifts. These were not 
solved for, and, if present, contribute to the mean errors 
seen in the results presented below. An additional problem 
with the data set was that the lens distortion available for 
the camera was not in a format compatible with the adjust- 
ment software used. Consequently, the lens distortion was 
calibrated for using the same adjustment that solved for the 
vertical datum shift. This may mean that the standard devi- 
ations in the results are somewhat optimistic as the camera 
may ‘fit’ the data better than it should. 
Before looking at the results available when the GPS mea- 
surements are included in the adjustment, it is worthwhile 
to get some idea of the noise within the network. Table 1 
shows the results from a conventionally controlled adjust- 
ment where approximately one-third of the check points 
were used as control points. The remaining check points 
were used to calculate the statistics in the table. These re- 
sults should be an indication of the best possible accuracy 
available from the network. 
Table 1: Check Point Error Statistics (m): Control Points 
Horizontal Vertical 
Mean 0.18 -0.19 
Std. dev. 0.09 0.45 
RMSE 0.20 0.49 
Absolute maximum 
(mean removed) 0.27 1.00 
The comparison of results will primarily be done using the 
standard deviations of the check point errors. This in ac- 
knowledgement of the fact that a mean error — primarily 
due to unmodelled tropospheric delays — will almost cer- 
tainly be present in the networks determined using the un- 
differenced GPS pseudoranges. It may be tempting to be- 
lieve that the GPS errors would 'average out' over the entire 
block. Unfortunately, because of the relatively short time- 
span in which the imagery was captured, the errors at the 
individual GPS stations will be highly correlated (during 
this time period, the troposphere and satellite positions do 
not change significantly). The common errors among GPs 
stations will cause the entire network to translate. 
Finally, it should be emphasised that in the tests that fol. 
low, no ground control points are used. The networks are 
controlled entirely by the GPS measurements. 
4.1 Broadcast Orbits and Clocks 
The first tests were performed using the broadcast satellite 
orbits. Table 2 contains the results for when the pseudo- 
ranges are included directly in the adjustment. Notably, 
the standard deviations of the check point errors are only 
slightly worse that those in Table I. In other words, di- 
rectly including the GPS pseudoranges in the adjustment 
yields object space accuracies that are comparable to those 
obtained from the same network controlled via well-distri- 
buted ground control points. This is a promising first re- 
sult; however, it must be restated that the efforts made to 
overcome difficulties with the data may mean that this re- 
sult is somewhat optimistic. 
Table 2: Check Point Error Statistics (m): Pseudorange 
observations, Broadcast Orbits 
Horizontal Vertical 
Mean 0.98 3.06 
Std. dev. 0.21 0.47 
RMSE 1.00 3.09 
Absolute maximum 
(mean removed) 0.46 1.25 
Of course, rather than being directly integrated into the 
bundle adjustment, the pseudorange measurements can also 
be used to generate single-point exposure station positions. 
These positions could then be added to the adjustment as 
position observations in the typical fashion (see 2.1). Ta- 
ble 3 shows the results for when the network is controlled 
using such positions. By comparing the results in this table 
with those in Table 2, it can be seen that directly including 
the pseudoranges in the adjustment yields object space ac- 
curacies that are about 30% better than when single-point 
position observations are used. Both approaches use ex- 
actly the same data, but the closer integration that comes 
from directly including the pseudoranges in the adjustment 
leads to a significant improvement in accuracy. 
Table 3: Check Point Error Statistics (m): Single-point position 
observations, Broadcast Orbits 
Horizontal Vertical 
Mean 1.09 3.07 
Std. dev. 0.35 0.69 
RMSE {15 3.14 
Absolute maximum 
(mean removed) 0.63 1.61 
In spite of the favourable standard deviations, it should be 
noted that, as predicted, large mean errors exist in both 
tests shown above. In these tests, the mean error also re- 
flects the residual satellite clock error (and, to a lesser ex- 
tent, satellite position error) in addition to the unmodelled 
tropospheric delay spoke of above. 

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