Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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UE ME za 
This formulation is commonly referred to as the inverse sensor 
model. As described in the SPOT Satellite Geometry 
Handbook, f and g can not be directly derived from the SPOT 
header information, but is obtained with an iteratively algorithm 
based on the direct model F and G. 
3.3 XS Image Sensor Model refinement 
From the PAN and XS image header metadata files, we will be 
able to establish the respective sensor model independently. To 
co-register the images, we choose to refine the XS image sensor 
model relative to the PAN image by introducing 3 parameters, 
Coys C0 ps Cor » tO correct for the biases differences in yaw, pitch 
and roll respectively. Such that: 
yaw = yaw, + cy, 
pitch = pitchy +c p (4) 
roll = rolly + cy, 
where yawy, pitchy and roll, = initial yaw, pitch and roll 
value calculated from sensor model of XS image, 
yaw, pitch and roll = refined yaw, pitch and roll, 
Coy Cop>Cor = correction parameters. 
The correction parameters, c9,,c9,,co, can be expanded into 
higher order polynomials, but for this work, the zeroth order 
constant term corrections is found to yield sufficient accuracy. 
34 Height Constrain 
In the solution for the model corrections parameters, the 
geographical coordinates of the tie points were also solved 
simultaneously. Since the angle subtended between the PAN 
and XS is only 1.06°, the least squares solution was found to be 
unstable. This stability problem can be remedied by 
introducing a height control value to one of the tie points. This 
height control need not be accurate. We have conveniently 
chose to extract it from the 1km gridded GLOBE or SRTM 
DEM (same DEM will be used later for orthorectification of the 
3.5 Procedures for refinement 
By automatic selecting about 20 tie points or more, and one 
ground point for height control, the refined parameters for yaw, 
pitch and roll correction can be derived from Equations 3 and 4 
by using least mean square method as following: 
M; = sampy; — filon; lat; by) 
V; 7 liney; — g, (lon; lat;,h;) (5) 
4; 7 samp», — f»(lon;,lat;, h;) 
Vo; = line»; — g(lon;,lat;,h;) 
where 1 = Pan image 
-* rammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
2 — Xs image 
i e[0,n) 
n = total number of tie points, and one ground point 
Using the first order Taylor expansion and least-square 
estimation method, the ground coordinates of tie points and the 
refined parameters Coys Cop andco, can be computed as 
follows : 
o - don; — N 
4j & sampy; — fV (lonjo,lat;o, hj) — iz da 
Ölon; Ölat; 
= e - ON, 
1 = liney; - gy om ae Aa) ZZ Slon, - EL. à 
Vi; & Finey; — gi (onjo,lat;g, Io) — don -olon; — al -olat; 
i var, 
0 . 
08. 2 
onis o of, i, 
4b; & samp», — f»(lonjg,lat;o,h;) — 72 - dion; — N ‚Ölat; 
Olon; 0 
Vn hy ged 
D ru gy -— : co, = 5 
on; CC0 y, OC 0p € Cor 
: Bgy = m 
V5; & line»; — g5(lonjo,lat;o, hg) — 3 £2 -Olon; — -52 - Olat; 
lon; Olat, 
082 Og» 082 og 
2 e d 3 2 > 
en 08 es a Cop mer Re 
on; Coy c Cop CC, 
For izn-],i.e. ground point with height constrain, there is no 
oh term in equation 6. 
The above equation 6 can be grouped as below: 
2 2 2 2 
E= (nj TM + 4h; +V9; ) (7) 
Vigan + A(4n)x(3n-1+3) . X n-br3pd = Lan (8) 
where V stand for 44;, vi;, 4/5; and v5; , 
L4;o = -samp;; * fy (lonjo,latjo, hio) 
La;41.0 = —liney; + g (long, lat;y, hyp) 
L4j45,9 = -samp»; * f» (lonjg,lat;g, hio) 
L4i43,0 = -line»; + g» (lon, lat;o, Trjg) 
3x(i-1) - a A 3x(m-iy-l 4 
Ay; = 0,0,A 0,- N 37 N — e ,0,0,A ,0,0,0,0 
Olon;  Olat; Oh; 
3x(i-l) 3x(n=0)=1" 3 
de. Om Gg 
4. = [GA ati "8 EL 00,4 0,600 
no Olon;' ólat; oh; 
Ix(i gh A ; of of of of 
N 4 ff N Cf? en 
Aaj+2 =| 0,0,A ‚0,- N es 72 EE DOA emt fe 
€ élon; êlat; Oh; Op OP OL 

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