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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004
- Measurement of snow packs depth beneath forest canopies
(Hopkinson et al., 2004)
- Pipeline mapping and safety applications (Tao and Hu, 2002).
So far LIDAR surveys have been done over small areas because
of their high cost.
3.1] Emergency situations and gco-spatial data sets
There are many situations that can be considered as an
“emergency”. In the last decade in Canada, most of these
situations were gencrated by natural disasters as the flooding in
Manitoba and in the Saguenay region (Quebec), the ice storm in
Québec and Eastern Ontario, large forest fires and the hurricane
in Atlantic Canada. Other natural disasters are possible as
carthquakes, tsunamis and massive landslides. Environmental
accidents are also possible and there are so many possible
scenarios, from a ‘classical’ oil split to the worst toxically
chemical or nuclear contamination.
The number of ‘emergency possible scenarios’ will be
dramatically multiplied if we consider all the possible trigger -
events such as a traffic accident, a human error, a natural
disaster (as a carthquake damaging a chemical plant) or an ‘act
of war’ or a sabotage. In addition, the emergency services will
have to take in consideration the specific local conditions such
as the spatial distribution of the human population, the
meteorological conditions, the availability of medical services,
the access roads that are in service, availability and location of
possible shelter places, etc. It appears that a large variety of
situations could result from all these possible emergency
situations and the specific needs could be different from case to
case. However, some gencral trends can be seen.
For the needs of the present paper. we will use the term of
"emergency services" for the authorities in charge to deal with
an ‘emergency situation’. From the point of view of a geomatics
professional, it appears that in almost all situations, the
emergency services will have to deal with:
- 8 variety of geo-spatial data sets (as the city plan,
evacuation routes; map of electrical & water networks,
etc.) that have to be consulted repeatedly
- Almost all the new information received as result of the
emergency situation has a direct or indirect gco-spatial
component (examples: location of the accident/disaster,
location and extension of damages, location of victims,
position of traffic obstacles, closed road segments,
collapsed bridges, location of shelters, ete, etc.)
- The geo-spatial component has to be considered and
integrated in order to conduct the recovering operations.
The emergency services will have to be trained to use modern
gcomatics tools for the manipulation and the integration of the
geospatial information described above.
An “Emergency Mapping’ group should exist at the
£overnmental level for the preparation of typical ‘emergency
mapping products’, for the training of local emergency services
about the use of ‘emergency mapping products’ and the
integration of other geospatial products and information.
32 Typical emergency mapping needs
The emergency services will use maps and a variety of
geospatial information for their main tasks. We can consider the
following list of typical mapping / gco-spatial data needs in the
case of an emergency situation triggered by a (simulated)
chemical accident:
3.2.1 Reconnaissance purposes:
- Emergency situation acknowledgement and primary
localization: The first communication about the accident
could be just a phone call but it will already contain a
geospatial component with the location of the accident
(example: “It was an explosion followed by a fire at the
chemical plant at the address 123 on Acid Street”).
- Disaster understanding and primary damage evaluation:
The fire department will locate the fire on their map (or
GIS system). The fire department will evaluate the
situation ad will trigger the Emergency Services and will
give the first estimation about the dangers for the local
population. In some situations it could be very useful for
the situation understanding to get some airborne digital
imagery. Some police departments are already equipped
with visible and infrared digital cameras (vidco or frame
based) and are using them onboard helicopters.
3.3.2 Monitoring purposes:
- Disaster evaluation and dvnamic estimation of the danger for
human population: The emergency services will have to
integrate a variety of information from specialists about the
toxicity of the released substance, from the meteorological
services (wind direction, intensity and forecast) for the
definition of the evacuation area and from the own
topographic data for the distribution of residential areas,
schools, hospitals, potential shelters etc inside the
evacuation area and in the neighbourhood region.
Alternative road access should be defined. Airborne or
satellite high-resolution imagery could be very useful for
these tasks. Important decision will be made after the
integration of all those pieces of information, all having a
geospatial component.
- Supervision and monitoring of rescue/recovery operations:
As the situation can change continuously with possible
extension of the evacuation area, the Emergency Services
have to update again and again the information. There is a
need for a kind of ‘dynamic map” to keep track of all these
3.2.3 Damage assessments and reconstruction planning:
Damage assessment: there is a need of detailed mapping of the
disaster area and change detection operations by comparing
with the situation just before the event. It could be very
important to record digital pictures over the disaster area from
the beginning and during the rescue / recovery operations as by
their nature, such operations could include the demolition of the
damaged buildings and/or industrial facilitics. The same images
could be used for others tasks (disaster understanding,
monitoring of rescue operations, and others). For an immediate
use in ‘Disaster understanding and primary damage
evaluation’ for example, immediate access to the data is
important and no precise geo-referencing is mandatory.
However, true ortho-images will help for recovery operations
and other tasks as ‘post mortem’ precise damage assessment.
3.3 Typical problems for the Emergency Mapping Group
ency Mapping Group, all
ection could be described
From the point of view of the Emer
the needs described in the previous
as two main mapping problems: