Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 4)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B4. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 3: Delineation of buildings using shaded relief on the 
LIDAR elevation data 
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Figure 4: Delineation of buildings using Canny edge detector 
on the LIDAR elevation data 
In modelling, LIDAR data contributes to the creation of 3D city 
models and modelling simulations, such hydraulic modelling 
during flooding. In management of an emergency situation, the 
3D visualization of the area data contributes to the better 
understanding, planning and decision —making for damage 
assessment and mitigation. For example, intensity image can be 
draped over the LIDAR DSM (Figure 5). 
Figure 5: Intensity image draped over LIDAR DSM 
If previous data is available or if multi-temporal data are 
acquired following an event, then the LIDAR data can be used 
for change detection and for monitoring of the situation. The 
changes can be detected either from temporal image type 
LIDAR generated data, for example differencing of two 
elevation data sets to determine volumetric differences, or from 
temporal features using feature based approaches (Armenakis 
and Savopol, 2004). 
Concerning the use of 'direct orientation? values delivered by 
the LIDAR system in order to produce automatically ortho- 
images for emergency mapping situations, it is recommended to 
continue the investigations and to do an incremental 
improvement of the orientation on a digital photogrammetric 
station that will permit to have a normal stereo visualisation ant 
to do stereo compilation. 
5.2 Acknowledgements 
We wish to thank Mosaic Mapping Inc, Matthias Flühler and 
Ray Samson for their contribution to this work. 
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methods for the revision of topographic databases. /nter. 
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A comparative analysis of scanned maps and imagery for 
mapping applications. /SPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and 
Remote Sensing, Volume 57 (5-6), pp. 304-314. 
Armenakis C., F. Savopol, 2004. Image processing and GIS 
tools for feature and change extraction. Inter. Archives ISPRS 
Vol. 35, Part 4. 
Axelsson, P., 1999. Processing of laser scanner data - 
algorithms and applications. /SPRS Journal of Photogrammetry 
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Baltsavias, E., 1999a. Airborne laser scanning: basic relations 
and formulas. /SPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote 
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Baltsavias, E., 1999b. A comparison between photogrammetry 
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Remote Sensing, Volume 54 (2-3), pp. 83-94. 
Hopkinson C., M. Sitar, L. Chasmer, P. Treitz., 2004. Mapping 
snow pack depth beneath forest canopies using airborne LIDAR 
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, Volume 70, 
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and Measuring Individual Trees Using an Airborne Laser 
Scanner. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 
Volume 68, No. 9, pp. 925-932 
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imaging technology for pipeline mapping and safety 
applications. Proceedings ISPRS Commission I Symposium 
Wehr, A., Lohr, U., 1999. Airborne laser scanning - an 
introduction and overview. /SPRS Journal of Photogrammetry 
and Remote Sensing, Volume 54 (2-3), pp. 68-82. 

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