Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

DongMei Chen 
Department of Geography, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada — chendm@post.queensu.ca 
WG VII/1 Fundamentals Physics and Modeling 
KEYWORDS: Land use, Land cover, Classification, Analysis, Information, Multiresolution, Multisensor, Multispectral. 
The last few years have seen satellite platforms with a large number of sensors (e.g. Terra and ENVISAT) coming on-line and the 
launching of a huge number of satellites with more than one sensor (e.g. IKONOS and QuickBird). Various satellite images with 
spatial resolutions ranging from 0.5 to 25,000 m are available for different applications. This development offers new and significant 
changes and challenges in the approach to analysis, integration, and the efficient spatial modelling of these observation data. This 
paper presents a multi-resolution analysis and classification framework for selecting and integrating suitable information from 
different spatial resolutions and analytical techniques into cl 
examination of image structural using different spatial analytical 
assification routines. The proposed framework focuses on the 
techniques in order to select appropriate methods in different stages 
of classification such as training strategy, feature extraction, scene models, and classification accuracy assessment. The multi- 
resolution approaches are tested using simulated multi-resolution images from IKNOS data for a portion of western part of the 
Kingston Metropolitan area. It was demonstrated that the multi-resolution classification approaches can significantly improve land 
use/cover classification accuracy when compared with those from single-resolution approaches. 
Earth observation data at multiple resolutions have been widely 
used in studies of environmental changes, natural resource man- 
agement, and ecosystem and landscape analysis in general. 
With the development of new remote sensing system, very-high 
spatial resolution images provide a set of continuous samples of 
the earth surface from local, to regional scales. The spatial reso- 
lution of various satellite sensors ranges from 0.5 to 25,000 m 
now. Furthermore, high resolution airborne data acquisition 
technology has developed rapidly in recent years. As an in- 
creasing number of high resolution data sets become available 
such as Digital Globe (Quickbird), Space Imaging (IKONOS), 
Orbimage, Indian Remote Sensing (IRS), Digital Orthophoto 
Quarter Quads (DOQQ), etc., there is an increasing need for 
more efficient approaches to store, process, and analyze these 
data sets. The development of efficient analysis methods of us- 
ing these multiscale data to improve land use/cover mapping 
and linking thematic maps generated from high resolution to 
coarse resolution has become a challenge (Foody, 2002). 
The effects of spatial resolution on the accuracy of mapping 
land use/cover types have received increasing attention as a 
large number of multi-scale earth observation data become 
available (Dungan, 2001). Scale variation and sensitivity have 
played an increasingly important role in the employment of 
earth observation data in different application areas (Marceau et 
al, 1994; Atkinson and Curran, 1999; Chen et al., 2003). For 
example, the resolution range to identify an individual tree is 
much smaller than that to identify a large commercial building 
block. Spatial autocorrelation existing in each class is an impor- 
tant factor influencing classification results at each resolution 
level (Chen and Stow, 2003). Although many methods of semi- 
automated image classification of remotely sensed data have 
been established for improving the accuracy of land use/cover 
classification during the past forty years, most of them were 
employed in single-resolution image classification. Due to the 
more heterogeneous spectral-radiometric characteristics within 
land use/cover units portrayed in high resolution images, many 
applications of traditional single resolution classification ap- 
proaches have not led to satisfactory results (Barnsley and Bar, 
1996; Chen et al., 2003). 
Several techniques have been employed to assess appropriate 
(or optimal) spatial resolutions. Although a particular classifica- 
tion can achieve the best result from a single resolution appro- 
priate to the class, there is no single resolution which would 
give the best results from all classes (Marcean et al., 1994). 
Clearly landscapes are characterized by multiple scales of spa- 
tial heterogeneity. Landscape objects (e.g. land cover/use poly- 
gons) are not the same size and vary in different structures. 
Some objects are better classified at finer resolutions while oth- 
ers require coarser resolutions. Therefore, as suggested by 
Woodcock and Strahler (1987), various objects require different 
.analysis scales according to the image scene model. Scene 
models may be either high (H) resolution with pixels smaller 
than objects, or low (L) resolution with pixels larger than ob- 
jects to be mapped. From a practical standpoint, building a 
framework to represent, analyze and classify images repre- 
sented by multiple resolutions is necessary in order to capture 
unique information about mapped classes that vary as a func- 
tion of scale. 
Many previous studies show the importance of developing and 
evaluating spatial analytic methods and models to support mul- 
tiscale databases (Emerson et al. 1999, Li et al. 2000). The ap- 
plication of multiscale or multi-level approaches to earth obser- 
vation data research, however, is very recent and remains 
limited and undeveloped. Several researchers (such as Solberg 
et al., 1996; Li et al., 2000) have devoted considerable effort to 
the development of methods to integrate and analyze multi- 
sensor, multi-scale and multi-temporal satellite imagery. How- 
ever, compared with rapidly expanding data sets, there is an 
obvious lag in the development of spatial analytic methods and 
models for handling the increased multi-resolution images 
(Quattrochi and Goodchild, 1997; Tate and Atkinson, 2001 ): 

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