Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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art 7, 
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W. Randolph Franklin & Christian Vogt 
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA 12180-3590 
KEY WORDS: Cartography, GIS, Mapping, Land, Vision, Analysis, Resolution, Terrestrial 
We describe two current projects with our toolkit for siting multiple observers on terrain. (Both observers and targets are 
at some specified height above ground level. Observers can see targets, when not hidden by the terrain, out to a specified 
radius of interest.) Siting the observers so that they are intervisible, i.e., so that the visibility graph is a connected set, is 
the first project. The second project tests the effect, on the optimality of the multiple observer siting (w/o intervisiblity), 
of reducing the map cell's horizontal or vertical resolution. We lowered the resolution, sited observers optimally, then 
computed those observers' joint visibility index on the hi-res data. We observed that much less precise vertical resolution 
is ok, but that reducing the horizontal resolution by even a factor of two leads to an observer siting with significantly 
reduced joint visibility index, when evaluated on the hi-res data. Applications of multiple observer siting include siting 
radio towers and mitigating visual nuisances. 
The results reported here are part of our extended project 
that might be called Geospatial Mathematics, to under- 
stand and process terrain data, which means elevations 
in this context. Previous results have included e a Trian- 
gulated Irregular Network (TIN) program that can com- 
pletely and quickly tin a 1201 x 1201 level-1 USGS DEM, 
(Franklin, 1973, 2001; Pedrini, 2000), e Lossy and loss- 
less compression of gridded elevation databases, (Franklin 
and Said, 1996), e Interpolation from contours to an eleva- 
tion grid, (Childs, 2003; Gousie and Franklin, 1998, 2003; 
Gousie, 1998), and e a siting toolkit for Viewshed and vis- 
ibility index determination, (Franklin, 2002; Ray, 1994). 
Current components of this effort include researching new, 
compact, terrain representations, such as a “scooping” 
operator, and approximation from known points with an 
overdetermined Laplacian PDE. We are also studying op- 
erations on terrain, such as lossy compression while main- 
taining important properties, including gradients and visi- 
For visibility, this project has moved beyond viewshed and 
visibility indexes to study their applications, such as mul- 
tiple observer siting, and limitations caused by finite hor- 
izontal or vertical resolution. This paper extends our ear- 
lier visibility work, including our siting toolkit, described 
in Franklin (2000, 2004a,b) and Franklin and Ray (1994), 
which also survey the terrain visibility literature. Notable 
related research includes the analysis of the effect of ter- 
rain errors on the computed viewshed in Nackaerts et al. 
(1999) and Fisher (1992), and the relation of visibility to 
topographic features studied in Lee (1992), and the pi- 
oneering work of Nagy (1994). Line-of-Sight Technical 
Working Group (2004) compared various LOS algorithms. 
Caldwell et al. (2003) computed a complete intervisibil- 
ity database, the viewshed of every point in a 466 x 336 
DEM. Champion and Lavery (2002) studied line-of-sight 
on natural terrain defined by an L,-spline. 
Consider a terrain elevation database (map cell), and an 
observer, O. Define the viewshed as the specific terrain 
visible from O that lies within some radius of interest, R, 
of O. The observer might be situated at a certain height, 71, 
above ground level, and might also be looking for targets, 
7, also at height H above the local ground. Note that if 
the observer and target heights are different then visibility 
is not symmetric. 
Since the line of sight from O to 7 generally falls between 
adjacent elevation posts, some interpolation rule is nec- 
essary. Small changes in the interpolation rule can cause 
large changes in the computed viewshed. That subject still 
requires research since the correct choice depends on the 
assumed terrain model. Assuming terrain to be C® (ie. 
its derivatives of every order are continuous), is false. In- 
deed among the most important terrain features are cliffs, 
which are discontinuous. However, some assumption has 
to be made. 
Define the visibility index of O as the fraction of the points 
within R of O that are visible from O. The single observer 
siting problem is to site (i.e., find the location of) O so as to 
maximize its visibility index. The multiple observer siting 
problem is to site a set of observers so as to maximize their 
joint visibility index, i.e., the area of the union of their indi- 
vidual visibility indexes. We may find either the minimum 
number of observers to cover a specified area, or else the 
maximum area covered by a given number of observers. 
Covering all the terrain is probably impractical because of 
isolated single points that are lower than all their neigh- 
bors, and so are hidden from distant observers. 
This multiple observer case is particularly interesting and 
complex, and has many applications. A cell phone 
provider wishes to install multiple towers so that at least 
one tower is visible (in a radio sense) from every place 
a customer's cellphone might be. Here, the identities of 
the observers of highest visibility index are of more inter- 
est than their exact visibility indices, or than the visibility 
indices of all observers. One novel future application of 
siting radio transmitters will occur when the moon is set- 
tled. The moon has no ionosphere to reflect signals, and no 
stable satellite orbits. The choices for long-range commu- 
nication would seem to include either a lot of fiber optic 

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