Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 Internati 
The production variability inside of a determined board is Besides the visualisation of the image of the farm in several 
obtained through maps of efficiency, attained by a grid of scales, it allows various operations involved on the processes of 
samplings, maps of soil fertility, studies of compactness and planing and accompaniment of the production. 
electric conductivity of the soils, scouting of harmful plants, f 
diseases and other parameters obtained by the use of remote Functions of Geofarm: LS 
sensors. This characterises precision agriculture inside the - several levels of zoom; A 
boards. Other activities can be implemented and characterized - reading and introduction points with geographic coordinates; t T 
as "outside of the boards" precision agriculture or precision - integration with GPS data; EDS 
agriculture in a regional approach. - topographic measurement of areas; f. Cx 
In this case, what is desired is to characterise the space - distances measurement; SEXT 
variability on a region. So, regional informations are necessary, - texts and annotations about boards; (I Al 
containing cartographic, climate, soil, technology used in each - to colour boards and make legends; REY X 
farm. With cartographic basis it can be obtained the set of the - printing in scale; : 
farms to be studied, allowing that the field informations - to transform in picture files; 
contained in data bank could be analyzed in a map. - reading of informations about boards; 
- integration with data banks. Figure 2: 
that has as basis the boards, to whom are attributed all the 
parameters associated to the production to each cycle of 
farming. Meteorologic stations additional to the official des 
network of SIMEPAR/IAPAR are allowing the modelling of the > s 
climate with degree of detailing compatible with the local 
variations. The mapping of the soils was obtained in the scale of 
1:100,000, aiming to offer subsidies to the technical assistance 
for later details. All of the infrastructure demanded the 
creation of a Laboratory of Geographic Information - LGI, that 
has as main tool the geotechnologies GIS/Remote Sensing/Data Er il | 
Bank. This way, the region is facing the challenge to evolve to “Fm B razi 
the intense use of the geotechnological information in search of _ 
a better economic result for farmers. 
GERAIS" PROJECT Use of Geofarm in the administration and planing of the farm: 
Precision agriculture is seen as a great technologic innovation, - measure areas for amplification 
that can revolutionise the way of thinking and administrate the - measure distances of fences 
rural estates. ABC Foundation has involved itself with research - calculate distances by roads 
in this area since 1997. More recently it started a vast project of - divide farming lands | 
research with the aid of other institutions, universities and - paint boards in different colours relating to the kind of culture | 
companies. There was installed 15 pilot areas that are - remark over boards | 
experimental fields to the development of technology. The - measure areas with different kinds in the same board | 
areas are being monitored to estimate the variability of - follow the harvest 
productivity and production factors. The diagnostic is used on - plan the planting 
the localized treatments, what characterises the precision - locate infestations | 
agriculture "inside of the boards" and that resulted in the search - geolocate points of soil sampling | 
of a more wide work aiming to prepare the region to a new - communicate with employees | 
technologic advance. Other activities were implemented by - see environmental conditions | 
ABC Foundation and characterized as precision agriculture - map soil spots | 
"outside of the boards". For this, a cartographic basis is being - bound wet areas | 
manipulated from the purchase of ortophotos in approximately - recover historic data | 
600,000 ha, area where are inserted the producers of "Campos - illustrate reports | 
Gerais". At the same time, it is being implemented a data bank - visualise the projection and the altitudes of the farm | 
t cat 
11. GEOFARM Bowed: 
As the project is primarily designed to produce and let this 
information available to the associated farmers, an application 
was build using the Map Objects library from ESRI, the Figure 1: Paraná State location 
“GeoFarm” software. It was designed to be simple to install and 
use, in order to be easily accessible to the farmers with minimal 
training. With the GeoFarm, the user can explore the ortophotos | 
and other layers, add GPS-taken coordinates, print layouts, | 
make queries and drawings, and manage the associated farm 
database. Today in its second version, the software is already 
been used in 133 farms. It is a planning tool to help bring the 
latest technological solutions to each farmer desktop. 

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