Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

W. S. Almeida* !, N.M. Souza? 
“ AEB, Agéncia Espacial Brasileira, SPO Área 5 Quadra 3 Bloco B, Brasília, Brazil - wagner(@aeb.gov.br 
° Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentävel, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil - nmsouza@unb.br 
Commission VII, PS WG VII/4 
KEY WORDS: Remote Sensing, GIS, Environment, Analysis, Global-Environmental-Databases, Imagery, Multitemporal 
From the beginning of the 80's, the PETROBRÁS, Brazilian petroleum company, started the hydrocarbonets economic exploration 
in Urucu (AM), in the West Amazon region. This paper presents multitemporal study of the specific area of the Urucu (AM) region 
called Jurua's petroleum and gas natural camps in which the land used changed due to the geophysical surveying, opening roads, 
drlling wells etc carried out during phase of delimitation petroleum and natural gas camps. Using TM/Landsat images (001/63C path- 
view) of 1987 and 2002 years and applying image processing algorithms such as: geometric corrections and contrast enhancements it 
obtained the best combination of those image’s spectral bands to detect specific characteristics of the terrain. In the environmental of 
the Geographical Information System SPRING 4.0, it carried out analyses using algorithms of algebra of maps and another functions 
aiming at measuring and quantifing principals transformations related with petroleum surveying activities in study area. The results 
gathered confirm the potentiality of the methodology in detecting, measuring and quantifying the transformations occurred in areas 
of intense coverage of tropical forests. 
1.0) Introduction 1.3 Study Area 
1.1 Generalities: The study area is located in the petrolific field of Juruá, in the 
; p i ; Coari district, part of State of Amazonas (Figure 1), 
From th £ 80's on, PEI ROBRAS started an Economic aproximately ont a by the following geograpyhic V ratés 
exploration of hydrocarbonets in the petrolific province of Longitude: West 66 ° 0' 00” and 66° 22' 00” 
Urucu (AM), and that has become a national reality, whereby Latitude: South 4? 35' 20" and 4° 50' 00 
the production of petroleum represents nowadays 20% of 
national production, and such endeavor has an estimated 
capacity to last about 50 years. 
The petrolific province of Urucu, conceived as an enclave into 
West Amazon, distant nearly 370 Km from Coari city, is 
surrounded by diverse environmental protection, inter alia: 
there is no road along the pipeline Urucu-Coari for avoiding 
urban migration and consequent deforestation; tree species 
rooted up along construction works were planted again in 
higher density on the same region: lodgings were not built, nor 
were other kinds of urban constructions for accommodating Figure 1 — Study area (Jurua field) inside Coari district and the 
workers in the region. Therefore, workers teams take turns municipal division of the State of Amazonas. 
fortnighly as a way to avoid human population fixation; 
pipeline pressure constant monitoring by strategically placing 
leaking preventive disaster devices along its extension etc. The 
Municipal division of the Amazon State 
| PETROBRÁS wishes to turn the petrolific province of Urucu 2.0 Materials and Methods 
| into a new energetic source using natural gas as energetic 
source. 2.1 Materials: 
: 2.1.1 LANDSAT-TM images 
1.2 Aim 
It was used images of the LANDSAT's Thematic Mapper 
| The main objective here presented is to test Geoprocessing sensor, series LANDSAT 5 and 7 respectively, path-row 
| Methodology inserted. into. Geographic Information System 001/63, in GEOTIFF format, acquired in August 1987 and 
| according to its capacity to execute multitemporal February 2002. Both images were produced by DGI-INPE and 
environmental changes analysis that take place in a they have some cloud cover. 
predetermined swath over the petrolific province of Urucu 
(AM). 2.1.2 Cartographic map 
It was used the topographic map produced by Diretoria do 
| Serviço Geogräfico (DSG), UTM coordinate system, scale 
| 1/100000 covering the study area, in GEOTIFF format, to 

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