Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

Mohammed Akhter Ali, PhD Scholar, Dept., of Geography, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. 
E-Mail: mohdakhterali@yahoo.com and makhterali@hotmail.com 
A jewel in the crown of the state, the bubbling heart of Telanganna region, a living and glowing testimony to the ancient past, studded 
with reminiscences from the convergent cultures as they have blended into the cultural kaleidoscopes of the present- that is Hyderabad, 
more than 400 years old capital of the state of Andhra Pradesh. The pearl city of India is truly a pearl in the urban mosaic of the country. 
The study area covers Hyderabad city situated in the heart of the Deccan Plateau at an average height of 540 mts (1760 feet's) above 
mean sea level. The city is located at 17° 20” North latitude and 78? 30' East longitude, covering an area of 240 Sq.Kms, at present city 
consists if 35 municipal wards including 12 wards of Secundrabad. 
Population acts on land through a spectrum of activities, which can be broadly classified as agricultural, commercial, industrial, 
residential, transportation, administration etc. Needless to say that the AMENITIES and daily needs of individuals have a prominent 
impact on urban growth. It is hear satellite remote sensing with its ability to provide data periodically on urbanization, resources and 
environment which is up to date, reliable, accurate and also cost effective, offers excellent possibilities to map and monitor urban land 
use, urban resources and urban environment to a greater extent. 
This study demonstrates the use of high-resolution satellite date in generation spatial date on to the image for the city. Analysis is carried 
out for mainly Amenity patterns and facilities available in the city. Road patterns within the city are analyzed and road network map is 
Proximity analysis is carried out to understand the availability of Fire Brigade and police stations for affective disaster management. 
City was build to meet the demand for 5 Lakhs population and now it is 50 Lakhs population. This is very clear that there is heavy 
pressure on Amenities & facilities (Utility services). City has grown rapidly in all directions especially in North, North West and West 
part living behind a big question mark on the planners for providing proper Amenities. This paper helps in correlation phenomena, 
identifying zones of inadequacy and inadequacies in the city system of Hyderabad. The administrators in the city can evolve an expert of 
a decision support system aimed at for various decision-making processes. 
Introduction: conglomerate that is Hyderabad. These influences enrich and 
nourish the body of the city, which is marching into the future 
: ; with equal aplomb. It has been very quick in reaching the 
A jewel in the crown of the state, the bubbling heart of stature of the technological capital of the south India and is 
Telanganna region, a living and glowing testimony to the envisioned as the ‘City of the future’. 
ancient past, studded with reminiscences from the convergent 
cultures as they have blended into the cultural kaleidoscopes of The city has a star shaped layout and seems to grow along the 
the present- that is Hyderabad, more than 400 years old capital main transportation arteries. The growth towards the 
of the state of Andhra Pradesh. The pearl city of India is truly a Northwest, North, and Northeast is along the highway that 
pearl in the urban mosaic of the country. It is witness to the connects the city to Mumbai, Delhi, and various districts 
historic splendor monuments of glory's cultural magnificence, headquarters respectively. These incidentally are also the 
culinary and dialectic uniqueness, a rich admixture of the north directions in which there is major industrial development. Thus 
and south India cultural traditions and now a new wave of Urban- Industrial- Transportation development seems to go 
urban renewal and modernization. hand in hand in these areas and this is a significant post- 
: independence phenomena. These directions have thus been 
It is the eternal melting pot that has absorbed and consistently pulsating with growth dynamics for the past almost 
metamorphosed people from all parts of India and even abroad. fifty years. The growth in the Southeastern periphery of the 
The gravitational pull of this city has stood the test of time and city is a case in contrast. It houses a large and growing 
it is one of the most culturally diverse capitals in India. It has residential area along the Vijayawada highway. Being a totally 
multi linguistic and multi religious society, which weaves into residential area it is dormitory in nature compared to the other 
the spatial fabric of the city in multi-tonal hues & tents. growing suburbs menaced above that are industrial and hence 
Migrants of the first, second, third generation and so forth take economically active. 
pride in calling themselves Hyderabadis but at the same time 
bestow some bit of their native influencer into this growing 

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