Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

H. Arefi'*, M. Hahn!, F. Samadzadegan”, J. Lindenberger? 
‘Dept. of Geomatics, Computer Science and Mathematics, Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany 
(hossein.arefi, michael.hahn)@hft-stuttgart.de 
"Dept. of Geomatics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, samadz Gut.ac ir 
?TopScan, Rheine, Germany, lindenbergerG topscan.de 
Working Group IV/7 
KEY WORDS: LIDAR, First and Last Pulse data, Clustering, Quality assessment, Unsupervised learning, Feature Extraction 
During the last decade airborne laser scanning has become a mature technology which is now widely accepted for 3D data collection. 
Automated processes employ the scanned laser data and the platform orientation and other parameters of the scanning system to 
generate 3D point coordinates. These 3D points represent the terrain surface as well as objects on top of the terrain surface. Modern 
airborne LIDAR systems are able to record first pulse and last pulse range measurements together with the signal strength to provide 
more information about the reflecting surface or object. 
The main goal of this paper is to investigate and compare procedures for clustering of LIDAR data. Classical clustering methods 
refer to a variety of methods that attempt to subdivide a data set into subsets or clusters. The study aims at a comparison of K-means 
clustering, competitive learning networks and fuzzy C-means clustering applied on range laser images. For comparison the confusion 
matrix concept is employed. The accuracy evaluation is done qualitatively and quantitatively. Experimental investigations are using 
LIDAR data taken from a scanning project in which the density of scanned points is around one point per square meter. 
Airborne laser scanning is an established technology for highly 
automated acquisition of digital surface models (DSM). 
Furthermore, in recent years LIDAR data has become as a 
highly acknowledged data source for interactive mapping of 3D 
man-made and natural objects from the physical earth’s surface. 
The dense and accurate recording of surface points has 
encouraged research in processing and analysing the data to 
develop automated processes for feature extraction, object 
recognition and object reconstruction. 
LIDAR data recoded with first and last pulse range and 
intensity values are considered the raw measurements in this 
paper. As these recordings are sets of irregularly distributed 3D 
points interpolation to a regular grid will ease processing of 
LIDAR data. It is well known that interpolation will low pass 
the raw data and thus some information will be lost. If the point 
density is high and almost regular this disadvantage will not be 
very significant. As our interest is in an investigation of 
clustering techniques using LIDAR data we assume the 
interpolation to be solved. The more interesting question in this 
regard is on the input for clustering algorithms. In addition to 
the LIDAR data, feature images reflecting texture and surface 
geometry are extracted and used for clustering. Clustering is a 
technique for image classification related to the unsupervised 
classification procedures. The overall goal is to extract 
information from the LIDAR data. 
*Corresponding author 
Clustering is a process of assigning pixels to categories or 
clusters based on some logic which acts on similarity of the 
pixels feature vectors. 
Three clustering techniques which will be used in the 
experiments are described in the following. The clustering 
techniques are K-means (or hard C-means) clustering, fuzzy C- 
means clustering and competitive learning networks. 
K-means is a representative for a classical and well explored 
unsupervised classification algorithm. Its counterpart in the 
fuzzy techniques is the fuzzy C-means algorithm which 
considers each cluster as a fuzzy set, while a membership 
function measures the possibility that each feature vector 
belongs to a cluster. Competitive learning networks pick up 
concepts of neural processing for unsupervised classification. 
The Competitive learning algorithm is based on a type of 
artificial neural network that possesses a self-organizing 
property called a simple competitive learning network. 
2.1 K-means clustering algorithm: 
K-means clustering, also known as hard C-means clustering, is 
one of the simplest unsupervised classification algorithms. The 
procedure follows a simple way to classify the data set through 
a certain number of clusters. The algorithm partitions a set of i 
vector X; into c classes G;, i=1, … , c, and find a cluster centre 
for each class such that an objective function of dissimilarity, 
for example a distance measure is minimized. The objective 
function that 
is selected as 
k‚x, EG; 
point x, an 
The partition 
data point x;! 
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2.2 Fuzzy ( 
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