Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
large proportion to pass back through the upper epidermis to be 
observed as reflected radiation. Pigments, water and other 
biochemicals absorb certain wavelengths of radiation which 
reduces reflectance in these regions. However, because of the 
overlapping absorption features of the pigments, it is difficult to 
relate reflectance at a single wavelength to the concentration of 
an individual pigment. Furthermore, leaf reflectance can vary 
independently of pigment concentrations due to differences in 
internal structure, surface characteristics (hairs/waxes) and 
moisture content. The reflectance spectrum of a whole canopy 
is subject to even more controlling factors, notably, effects of 
variations in number of leaf layers (leaf area index; LAI), 
orientation of leaves (leaf angle distribution; LAD), presence of 
non-leaf elements, areas of shadow and soil/litter surface 
reflectance. This range of factors, at leaf and canopy scales, 
obscures relationships between spectral reflectance and 
concentrations of individual pigments and there has been an 
increasing intensity of research aimed at overcoming these 
problems. Four groups of spectral variables have been identified 
as being of value: 
(i) Reflectance in individual narrow wavebands have been 
employed (e.g. Fillela er al, 1995). While there is little 
agreement on the optimal wavelengths, there is good evidence 
that at wavelengths where absorption coefficients of pigments 
are high, reflectance is more sensitive to low concentrations, 
while spectral regions with low absorption are more sensitive to 
higher pigment concentrations (Carter and Knapp, 2001); 
(ii) Ratios of reflectance in narrow bands have been proposed as 
a means of solving the problems of the overlapping absorption 
spectra of different pigments and the effects of leaf structure, 
leaf surface interactions and canopy structure (Pefiuclas ef al., 
1995). Most workers propose pigment indices which employ 
ratios of narrow bands in the visible and near-infrared (e.g. 
Blackburn, 1998a) while some identify only visible 
wavelengths and others use combinations of narrow wavebands 
in the red edge region (e.g. Tarpley ef al., 2000); 
(iii) Characteristics of first and second derivatives of reflectance 
spectra have been investigated. It has been suggested that 
spectral derivatives have important advantages over spectral 
reflectance, such as their ability to reduce variability due to 
changes in illumination or soil/litter reflectance. The majority 
of workers have used derivatives to define the wavelength 
position of the red edge (Are) and illustrated relationships 
between Ag and total chlorophyll (Chl for) concentration for 
both leaves and canopies. The amplitude of first and second 
derivatives of reflectance at particular wavelengths (and 
combinations of wavelengths) has also been found to be closely 
related to pigment concentrations as has the amplitude of the 
first derivative of pseudo absorbance (Blackburn, 1999); 
(iv) Measurements of absorption feature depths have been 
obtained by fitting a continuum to vegetation reflectance 
spectra (Kokaly and Clark, 1999). This approach was extended 
by normalising to the band depth at the centre and the area of 
the absorption feature and using stepwise regression to identify 
optimal combinations of band depths which were used to 
estimate accurately Chl /of, a and 5 in dried and ground pine 
needles (Curran er al., 2001). : 
Most research has focussed on Chls and only recently has 
attention been paid to quantifying Cars and anthocyanins from 
reflectance spectra, using simple adaptations of the above 
approaches (Gitelson ef a/, 2002). Even for Chls, no single 
spectral approach is emerging as a generic solution. Often 
developers of spectral approaches do not test their methods on a 
range of vegetation types and this has lead to many species- or 
site-specific techniques. Recent literature suggests that of the 
spectral approaches that exist, none are sufficiently robust and 
remain sensitive to confounding factors such as variations in 
chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf surface reflectance, water stress 
and specific leaf mass. Moreover, studies testing many spectral 
approaches under a range of circumstances have reported a lack 
of generality and extendibility (Richardson e/ al, 2002) and 
even that hyperspectral approaches offer no improvements over 
traditional broadband indices for canopy Ch/ estimation (Broge 
and Mortenson, 2002). Indeed, recent work by the author 
(Blackburn, 2002) demonstrated limited applicability of 
approaches across leaf/canopy/stand scales. Within the same 
scale, there was a need for locally derived regression 
relationships (e.g. between Agr and Chl rof) and even these were 
not transferable between different vegetation types. 
Furthermore, papers claiming evidence of robust spectral 
approaches (Sims and Gamon, 2002) fail to identify methods to 
estimate independently CA/ a and b, or Cars and only 
demonstrate convincing results for Chl ror at the leaf scale. 
Most research in this field has used individual leaves, 
collections of leaves or small plants growing in the laboratory 
under controlled conditions. Canopy scale studies have either 
derived statistical relationships between ground-measured 
pigment data and canopy-measured reflectance, or applied leaf- 
scale relationships between optical indices and pigment content 
directly to canopy-measured reflectance. Relatively few studies 
have examined the applicability of different spectral approaches 
as we move from individual leaves to whole plant canopies and 
stands. Empirical work by the author on vegetation with a 
relatively simple or spatially homogenous canopy architecture 
has indicated that some spectral variables are robust predictors 
of pigment concentrations from leaf to stand level (Blackburn, 
1998b), however, such variables are unsuitable for vegetation 
with a more complex structure (Blackburn and Steele, 1999). 
Recent work using coupled leaf and canopy radiative transfer 
(RT) models has examined the predictive capabilities and 
robustness of different spectral approaches for 'quantifying 
canopy Chl ror (Haboudane ef al., 2002). While these scaling- 
up studies are able to identify spectral indices that are 
insensitive to factors such as canopy structure, illumination 
geometry and soil/litter reflectance, there is little consensus on 
the optimal spectral approaches for estimation of Chl rot. The 
numerical inversion of RT models based on measured 
reflectance spectra has been used to quantify leaf and canopy 
Chl tot (Weiss et al., 2000). Such models afford greater insight 
into the underlying functionality of reflectance-based pigment 
quantification and the inversion approach promises greater 
generality, -however, parameterisation of RT models requires 
considerable a priori knowledge of the leaves and canopies 
under investigation which can render this approach impractical 
for operational use. Nevertheless, a technique that offers greater 
potential for  extendibility combines the rigour of 
(bio)physically-based RT models with the  normalising 
capabilities and pigment-specificity of a hyperspectral index 
which is used as the merit function in the inversion (Zarco- 
Tejada ef al., 2001). However, there is a need to substantially 
improve the predictive accuracy of this approach and to test it 
over a range of vegetation types. In summary, hyperspectral 
remote sensing has the potential to satisfy the increasing 
demand for information on plant pigments over a range of 
spatial scales, yet, a standard analytical approach remains 

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