Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
The growth of the local territory comes with informations 
multiplication describing this territory and whom live in it: 
activities localization, transportation mean facilities, 
fundamental and patrimonial management, etc. These 
informations set gives by a way or another an attribute of 
localization, accessible either under a precise localization 
form or under an available aggregation form according to 
predefined carvings. Their visualization under plans or 
maps form remains one of the simplest way to understand 
them. This double imperative, from an information 
management to the increasing complexity and territorial 
visualization of its extension and dynamic, imposes a 
rationalization gait of storage and access to localized 
data.Currently, this since more than 15 years, one of the best 
possible choices for organizing the technical and social 
information of the city is called the Geographical 
Information System (GIS). 
Townships own specialized plans without scales 
concordance, proper each service (land registering, PTT, 
forest services, hydrography services, control services and 
the network road maintenance, water network franchisees , 
purification and gas...) and not always actualized. 
Searching information is difficult for the elected people, 
administrations, companies, citizens. Networks knowledge 
is random and often tributary to human memory (elected 
people, technical agent, secretary of town hall, etc...). 
Decentralization laws and notably those relative to 
expertises transfer have given increased power to the 
territorial collectivities in the space management and soils 
occupation domains. Townships need simple use tools to 
help taking decision and giving answers to the territory 
problematic management, road infrastructure improvement, 
water management and environment protection. 
More and more, numerous townships, even of modest size, 
endow themselves of a GIS. This latter is part of the new 
tools of help to management and decision susceptible to 
answer to  collectivites needs. These last years, the 
situation has evolved a lot: the computering tools are more 
and more rife and therefore less and less expensive, 
software is more and more easy to use. 
The digitalization of land register is mastered today. It is 
structured, normalized, independent from software and 
easily exchangeable to serve as plan funds to the different 
actors of Township territory. 
The function of consultation and geographical data diffusion 
on an Intranet - Internet is a considerable technological 
advance in terms of information diffusion, an advance that 
we probably do not measure all its effects yet. The functions 
are at a time simple diffusion functions and functions 
dressing a more technical character. They allow : 
- To consult existing information; 
- To extract the mass plans in view of amenities projects or 
particular analysis; 
- To update the textual informations on certain objects 
whose user has the direct mastering; 
- To communicate graphic annotations to server's operator 
for an ulterior graphic modification. 
Facing the increase difficulty of the management of the 
local territory, actors of this territory are in search of 
effective tools to help them in their tasks. They turn more 
and more toward the GIS of which the interest, in the 
context of the planning and the management of the territory, 
resides mainly in three aspects. First of all, a GIS is a 
system of information whose particularity is to treat 
information that possess a spatial reference. It is therefore 
composed of a database of spatial reference (BDRS), what 
confers it big capacities for the storage and the management 
of large set of data. Then, a GIS possesses tools of treatment 
and analysis of georeferenced data that facilitate the 
synthetic information obtaining. Finally, by its possibilities 
of regrouping and relating information, a GIS can be an 
appropriate place of meeting privileged for the different 
partners whom take care of this territory. 
The development of these system types requires an 
architectural diagram of the different information of this 
system. We can compare to those that would have an 
entrepreneur if we asked him to construct a building without 
providing him an architect plan and a gait of realization. 
And the same case appers in geomatic: more the work or the 
system to achieve are complex, more the plan becomes 
necessary and inevitable to its construction. the systemic 
representation of the territory is to the local GIS what is the 
architect's plan to the building. 
3.1 Territory Systemic Representation Approach 
The development of the Systematic Representation of the 
Territory (SRT) rests indeed on a systemic approach and 
ensue from the fusion of the different models of explanation 
of the real world in a coherent interdisciplinary 
representation. The systemic is the survey of systems. Many 
authors consider it like a science with its rules and its 
It is founded on taking into account the interactions and 
feedbacks and puts the accent on the determination, the 
definition and the description of phenomena and their 
relations. It also tries to define a unitary language of as very 
natural system representation according to the existence of 
common properties between these different systems 
[WALLISER, 1977]. Following this definition, we are 
obliged to put in evidence the notion of system. 
According to Walliser (1977), consider a system like a 
constituted non separable unit of components in 
interactions, as an indivisible unit cannot be reduced to the 
sum of its parts. As he has formed a system in three 
fundamental categories: components, relations and the all. 
Let's note here that deepening in the theory of systems is not 
the goal of this communication. 
Schwars (1994) bases on the three fundamental categories 
of Walliser to propose a new formalisation for a general 
system. On this latter, we inspire the systemic modelling of 
our territory. Schwars (1994) put that all existing system, 
that it is a bacterium, a family or a road network, possess 
three plans of existence (Fig. 1) : 

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