K. Christodoulou *, M. Tsakiri-Strati "
Post graduate student in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Department of Cadastre,
Photogrammetry and Cartography
" Associate professor, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Department of Cadastre,
Photogrammetry and Cartography
KEY WORDS: Accuracy, Cadastre, IKONOS, Rectification, Remote Sensing.
In this paper is investigating the possibility of the application of panchromatic image, with spatial analysis | meter, from the satellite
IKONOS-2 in the Hellenic Cadastre for suburban regions. This possibility is estimated via the technical specifications of the Hellenic
For the achievement of this aim, two orthoimages were produced with two different methods. The first method led to an orthoimage
production by using control points that were received from map digitization in scale 1:5000, while the second method led to an
orthoimage production using control points that were received from measurements, which were realized with the Global Positioning
System (GPS). The application aim of these two methods was on the improvement of orthoimage accuracy with the second method
as well as the two methods evaluation. Moreover, the two orthoimages' accuracy was estimated based on the technical specifications
of the Hellenic Cadastre for suburban regions. Finally the two methods were evaluated taking into consideration the results for the
orthoimages accuracy and the technical specifications of Hellenic Cadastre for suburban regions.
The object of this paper is the estimation of the potential use of The area of interest is the Prefecture of Thessaloniki and in
satellites panchromatic images, from satellite IKONOS-2 in particular southeastern department of the municipality of Pylaia.
cadastral applications for suburban regions, where the cadastral The study region covers an area approximately 5km x 5km and
maps' designing scale is 1:5000. can be characterized as suburban with few buildings and soft
slope. (Figure 1)
For the realization of this, two orthoimages were produced ;
using two different methods. The first method led to an
orthoimage production using control points that were received
with map digitalization in scale 1:5000, while second led to an
orthoimage production using control points that were received
by measurements realized with the Global Positioning System
The application aim of the two methods, in receiving the control
points’ coordinates was the improvement of the orthoimage’s
accuracy. Therefore, GPS was used in order to measure control
The data that was used were one panchromatic image, with
spatial analysis 1 meter, from the satellite IKONOS-2, that was
acquired in March 2000, the region's Digital Terrain Model
(DTM), a surveying diagram of the same area in scale 1:5000 of
the year1978 and the coordinates of 7 points in Hatt projection
of the national network.
The software that used was the following:
e Erdas Imagine 8.5 (for image rectification)
e Microstation 795 (for the coordinates reception of
control points with digitalization)
e Leica Ski Pro (for the coordinates reception of control
points measured with GPS)
eo ISTOS 2000 (for the various transformations from one
projection to another)
Figure 1. The area of interest
The data that were used for this application are the following:
e The panchromatic image with one-meter spatial analysis
and with one band from satellite IKONOS-2, which was
received in March 2000. The image's radiometric analysis was