International Archives
of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004
Figure 1. Location of Filyos river, 3-D DEM of Filyos delta and orthoimage and 1: 25000 scale topographic maps superimposed onto
the DEM (Akdeniz, 2000).
been analyzed by means of object-oriented image analysis
program system eCognition 3.0. used parameters in the
implementation are given in TABLE 1.
Landsat TM SPOTS
Scale Parameter 8 12
Color 0,8 0,8
Shape 0,2 0,2
Smothness 0,0 0,0
Compactness ] 1
Table 1. Parameters for automatic Object oriented analyses
Derived segments for selected classes (see figs. 2) are
integrated into the GIS software as vectorized class data. By
means of the MAPINFO 7.0 software, sub-segments in
relation to the each class are combined, thus template for
each class is created (Fig.3a, 3b and 3c) By the
superimposition of 2003 spotS image onto the vectorized
images relevant to the 1983, 1992, and 2000 for the changes
in the river-bed and delta, visual structure has been generated
(Figs.4a,4b and 4c).
Areal changes in rivebed and delta and the area with the
dimension at 20 km? between 1983 and 2003 have been
analysed based on the GIS
Undertaken study has reached to following results related to
the GIS-based temporal analysis of changes Filyos in the
river and its delta over 20 years with the help of classification
of remotely-sensed images.
e Temporal changes over the Filyos valley and
its sea ad joint have been analysed by GIS
and acquired results are given in Fig.5
e In the area between the delta to Southside
with 20 km? corridor, length and dry areas of
river has been evaluated temporally and
amount of changes are represented over the
graphic given in Fig.6
e Specifically, important decrease has been
observed in the dimension of river delta. In
1984, river falls into the sea from two
different locations, however, at present this is
happening only from one location.
e Increase in the size of mass are as which
contains alluvion material and located in the
river-bed and delta mainly depends on the
facts of floods happened in 1990 and the
conversion of forested areas into the
agriculture lands.
Akdeniz E., 2000. Mevcut 1:25000 ôlçekli harita verilerinden
sayisal arazi modeli ve ortofoto harita üretilebilirliginin
arastirilmasi (in Türkish), Natural Science Institute of ZKU,
Zonguldak, Turkey.
Benz, U. C. at all, 2004. Multi-resolution, objéct-oriented
fuzzy analysis of remote sensing data for GIS-ready
information. Elsevier ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry &
Remote Sensing, PHOTO-01282,No of pages 20, Amsterdam.
Buzkan, L, Investigation of the sand-gravel-crushed stone
deposits in the Zonguldak region, First symposium on
Crushed stone, ISBN 975-395-196-5, Istanbul, Turkey.