Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
morphology is the watershed segmentation. It gives a partition 
of image into catchment basins where every local minimum of 
the image belongs to one basin and the basins' boundaries are 
located on the “crest” values of the image (Geraud, et.al.,2001). 
However, the watershed algorithm usually leads to 
over-segmentation due to the presence of non significant local 
minima in the image, and therefore it cannot be applied directly 
except for a few simple cases where the target object is brighter 
than the background or vice versa (Pesaresi & 
Benediktsson, 1999). Many solutions to the over-segmentation 
problem were proposed, eg, the selection of markers before 
flooding to reduce the infection of non significant local 
minima(Serra & Salembier,1993), or the merging of different 
basins after flooding to reduce regions obtained by watershed 
segmentation (Beucher,1994; Meyer,1994; Demarty & 
S.Beucher, 1998;). All the said approaches assume that the 
region of interest for detection is large and homogenous relative 
to the spatial and spectral resolution of the sensor. Consequently, 
these approaches are very difficult to be applied in segmentation 
of very complex scenes. 
In this paper, a multi-scale segmentation method for remotely 
sensed image based on mathematical morphology is proposed. 
The idea is to characterize image structures by their 
morphological ^ features obtained by ^ morphological 
transformation. The pixels with the same characteristics in the 
image could be a connected component. This method avoids 
over-segmentation occurred in the watershed segmentation. 
2.1 Definition of Basic Concept and Operators 
Infimum (:) and Supremum (1): The greatest lower bound 
is defined as infimum and the smallest upper bound as 
supremum for a particular set. 
Structure Element (N(p) ): It is the set of neighbors of a 
pixel p denoted as N(p) 
Erosion (e x) : Grey image /(p) eroded by structure 
element N, is defined by the infimum of the values of the grey 
level function as follows: 
enf(p)=h fe |» eN(p)ur(p) 0 
Dilation (Oy ) : Grey image f(p) dilated by structure 
element is defined by the supremum of the values of the grey 
level function. 
à. f(p)- V f T e N(P)u f») Q) 
Opening (yy): Erosion followed by dilation with the same 
structure element is denoted as opening: 
FN f(p) = ÔNEN f(p) (3) 
Closing (py ): It is defined as the result of dilation followed 
by erosion with the same structure element as follows: 
à, f(p) =&N Sy fp) (4) 
One of the characteristics of opening and closing operations is 
to erase objects smaller than the structure element. If the grey 
image can be considered as a topographical relief, then opening 
can cut the peaks (objects lighter than neighborhood), and 
closing can fill valleys (objects darker than neighborhood ). 
Top-Hat transform and inverse Top-Hat transform: The 
opening operation is anti-extensive, ie grey scale of every pixel 
in the opening processed image is not greater than that in the 
original image, and lighter objects smaller than structure 
element will be erased by opening operation. So the residual 
between original image and opening image can be defined as 
Top-Hat transform (r7(p)) ; 
Uf(p)» f(p)- yu f(p)o f(p)- vex f(p) (9 
This operation can extract the lighter objects smaller than the 
structure element. 
The closing is extensive, ie grey scale of every pixel in the 
closing image is not smaller than that in the original image, and 
the valleys will be filled. So the residual between closing image 
and original denoted as inverse 
image is Top-Hat 
transform (rr p)}: 

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