Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
makes it easy to separate the logical layer and data layer thus 
increasing its flexibility. This database was also chosen 
because it can easily be transferred to a more powerful database 
when extra functionality is needed. 
2.5 TCP/IP Protocol 
The TCP/IP protocol is the communication protocol that is used 
in the system to transmit data between the server computer and 
any number of client computers over an Internet connection. 
The TCP part of the protocol establishes the connection 
between computers and exchanges streams of data. The IP part 
of the protocol addresses the packages of data and drops them 
into the system so that they can be delivered to the appropriate 
3.1 User Access and Main Page Layout 
The general public and forest fire managers are the two 
potential users of the WMMS. The forest fire managers have 
the capability to use this system like a public user but also have 
the added ability to control, update and monitor the system. 
When an authorized user is logged onto the system, the 
program will check the user's access rights and make available 
the appropriate toolbars. For example, when a manager is 
logged onto the system, the Manager's Toolbox will be 
available in addition to the tools available to the public user. 
The tools reserved for managers are under the heading labeled 
Manager's Toolbox on the main page of the website. 
A sample screen capture of the WMMS is shown in Figure 3. 
This screen capture depicts the setup for a user with managerial 
capabilities. This sample can be accessed from the following 
Internet site: 
e http//cfei.geomatics.ucalgary.ca/firepub_com/firepub.php. 
ess ia) hito f/cfel geomatic -Ucalgary. caffirepub_ comffirepub. php ? 
Realtime Forest Fire Monitoring and Management. System 
iY te Hello, Landra Trevis 
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Figure 3 
The left hand side of the screen shows the reference map and 
legend which contain the possible layers that can be added to 
the display. The center of the screen shows the province of 
Alberta which can be panned or zoomed into in order to show 
the user a more detailed map. The right hand side of the screen 
displays the possible tools that can be used to assist in modeling 
wildfires. A list of all possible tools includes the Fire/Hotspot 
Report Tool, Trajectory Tool, Prometheus Tool and Manager’s 
Toolbox. In the example shown in Figure 3, four fires are 
depicted on the map of Alberta. 
: Screen Shot of the “Real-time Fire and Hotspot Publishing System" 
3.2 Tools 
3.2.1 Fire/Hotspot Reporting Tool: The reporting tool 
enables the user to view the Fire Summary Reports for the 
different districts in the province. After clicking this button, the 
number of active fires, cause of fire and fire status is shown for 
the different fire management districts throughout the province. 

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