Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
GPS receiver can convert satellite signals into position, velocity, 
and time estimates. After the White House removed the 
intentional degradation of GPS signals, civilian GPS receivers 
are accurate to within less than 20m, ushering in an exciting 
time for GPS applications like location-tracking systems. 
2.5 GSM 
GSM is a digital cellular communication system that prevails 
throughout Europe and much of the rest of the world. At present, 
cellular communication system has become a new trend for 
many varieties applications, especially railway application 
(called GSM-R). GSM system is divided into three parts: 
mobile station, base station subsystem and network subsystem. 
At present, the commercial GSM-R rail communication systems 
can provide all the services required: 
1. Train control systems, where data exchange between 
trains and track-side traffic control centre is required 
2. Voice communication between all users (train drivers, 
traffic controller, track-side workers, train personnel) 
3. Emergency call handing 
4. Data messages exchange 
5. Communication recording 
6. Integration with other existing (or future) systems 
Railway management information system is a complicated great 
system. The QTIMP includes six systems (Lu et al.. 2003), 
shown in figure 1, which are: 
Decision support & composite 
application system 
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| Office information system 
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Operation management information system 
| locomotive  : 
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Communication 5 | 
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network system 
Transport | vehicle 
E- business 
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Process control & safety assurance system 
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Figure 1. Qinghai-Tibet railway information management 
planning architecture 
3.1 Communication Network System (CNS) 
It transmits data, voice, even image information among the 
systems. It provides a platform for information exchange. 
3.2 Operation Management Information System (OMIS) 
It is designed for different level of managers from different 
management sector as passenger/freight transport sector, 
locomotive sector, etc. It can assist managers to rapidly acquire, 
deliver, and use information, further, provide aided design. 
3.3 Process Control& Safety Assurance System (PCSAS) 
It ensures on-line vehicles safe. It collects data, monitors the 
work status of equipments, even timely alerts or alarms when 
irregular cases arise. On the one hand, data about on-line 
equipment are transferred to OMIS, on the other hand, 
commands from OMIS are taken and the work status 
equipments controlled are made to the high point. 
3.4 Office Information System (OIS) 
It is designed for the different level of administers. It supports 
office tasks done by computer, accelerate information delivery, 
thus makes office management more effective, In addition, OIS 
is linked with OMIS, providing information communication 
between both of them. 
3.5 Decision Support &Composite Application System 
It is an intelligent system based on the operation management 
information system. It can provide top managers with intelligent 
services and decision support. It consists of computer-aided 
plan devising, decision support system, and expert system, etc. 
3.6 E-business System (ES) 
It can buy and sell goods and services on the internet, 
facilitating inter and intra-organization flow of goods, services, 
information, communication, and collaboration. It also provides 
customer service as information consultation, seat reservation 
and selling, etc, on the internet. 
According to the design of the line, there are only 5 pairs of 
passenger train, about 80 million tons freight in the upward 
direction (from Lhasa to Xining), and 210 million tons freight 
in the downward direction(from Xining to Lhasa). The Qinghai- 
Tibet line is a low traffic rail line. There are long-block sections 
(about 60km) and few stations along the Qinghai-Tibet line, so 
the central traffic control is used (Tao, et al., 2003). For the low 
traffic Qinghai-Tibet rail line under the particular conditions, 
the advanced technologies should be used to simplify the 
structure of the vehicle control system, to reduce especially 
trackside equipment, thus to ensure train system high safety, 
high reliability and less maintenance. G3 integration used by 
the QTIMP can meet above demands: 
l. A system for displaying the information 
2. A system for locating the position of a vehicle 
3. A system for transmitting the information to a control 
4.1 Control Centre with GIS-based Terminals 
The control centre system provides two-way messaging 
between the on-board units and a central centre. On the one 
hand, the control centre can not only receive data from the on- 
board units, but also send a command to an on-board system, or 
even reprogram it remotely. The frequency of status message 
delivery, and other parameters controlling communication can 
also be 
changed remotely by the centre operator. On the other hand, 
Irregular situation and emergency calls from the On-board units 
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