Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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specified neighbour (ENVI 1999). The contrast measure 
indicates how most elements do not lie on the main diagonal, 
whereas, the dissimilarity measure indicates how different the 
elements of the co-occurrence matrix are from each other (Lee 
et al. 2004). By applying these measures, initially 12 features 
have been derived, but after thorough checking of each 
individual feature only 2 features, including the result of the 
contrast measure applied to the green band and the result of the 
dissimilarity measure applied to the near infrared band of 
Landsat, were selected. 
To define the sites for the training signature selection from the 
images, two to three areas of interest (AOT) representing the 
selected classes (i.e., coniferous forest, deciduous forest, 
grassland, light soil, dark soil and water) have been selected. 
As the data sources included both optical and SAR features, 
the fused images were very useful for the determination of the 
homogeneous AOI as well as for the initial intelligent guess of 
the training sites. The separability of the training signatures 
was firstly checked in feature space and then evaluated using 
transformed divergence (Mather and Koch 2010). After the 
investigation, the samples that demonstrated the greatest 
separability were chosen to form the final signatures. The final 
signatures included about 563-992 pixels. For the 
classification, the following feature combinations were used: 
1. The original spectral bands of the multitemporal Landsat 
2. PALSAR and original bands of the multitemporal Landsat 
3. Multiple bands including the original PALSAR and 
Landsat images as well as two other derivative bands 
obtained from texture measures. 
For the actual classification, a standard maximum likelihood 
classification has been used assuming that the training samples 
have the Gaussian distribution. The maximum likelihood 
classification is the most widely used statistical classification 
technique, because a pixel classified by this method has the 
maximum probability of correct assignment (Erbek ef al. 
To increase the reliability of the classification, to the initially 
classified images, a fuzzy convolution with a 3x3 size window 
was applied. The fuzzy convolution creates a thematic layer by 
calculating the total weighted inverse distance of all the classes 
in a determined window of pixels and assigning the centre 
pixel the class with the largest total inverse distance summed 
over the entire set of fuzzy classification layers, i.e. classes 
with a very small distance value will remain unchanged while 
the classes with higher distance values might change to a 
neighboring value if there are a sufficient number of 
neighboring pixels with class values and small corresponding 
distance values (ERDAS 1999). The visual inspection of the 
fuzzy convolved images indicated that there are some 
improvements on the borders of the neighboring classes that 
significantly influence the separation of the decision 
boundaries in multidimensional feature space. The final 
classified images are shown in figure 3(a-c). As seen from 
figure 3(a-c), the classification result of the Landsat image 
gives the worst result, because there are high overlaps among 
grassland and forest classes. However, these overlaps decrease 
on other images for the classification of which SAR and optical 
bands as well as other derivative features have been used. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
For the accuracy assessment of the classification results, the 
overall performance has been used. This approach creates a 
confusion matrix in which reference pixels are compared with 
the classified pixels and as a result an accuracy report is 
generated indicating the percentages of the overall accuracy 
(Richards and Jia, 1999). As ground truth information, different 
AOIs containing 5,751 purest pixels have been selected. AOIs 
were selected on a principle that more pixels to be selected for 
the evaluation of the larger classes such as grassland and 
coniferous forest than the smaller classes such as deciduous 
forest and dark soil. The overall classification accuracies for 
the selected classes were 74.35%, 79.18% and 83.09% for the 
original Landsat bands, the combined features and multiple 
bands, respectively. 
As could be seen from the overall classification results, 
although the combined use of optical and SAR data sets 
produced a better result than the single source image, it is still 
very difficult to obtain a reliable forest map by the use of the 
standard technique, specifically on decision boundaries of the 
statistically overlapping classes. 
For several decades, single-source multispectral data sets have 
been effectively used for a land cover mapping. Unlike single- 
source data, multisource data sets have proved to offer better 
potential for discriminating between different land cover types 
(Amarsaikhan et al. 2012). Generally, it is very important to 
design a suitable image processing procedure in order to 
successfully classify any RS data into a number of class labels. 
The effective use of different features derived from different 
sources and the selection of a reliable classification technique 
can be a key significance for the improvement of classification 
accuracy (Lu and Weng, 2007). In this study, for the 
classification of land cover types, a refined statistical 
maximum likelihood classification algorithm has been 
constructed. As the features, multiple bands that include the 
original Landsat and PALSAR images as well as two other 
derivative bands obtained from texture measures have been 
Unlike the traditional method, the constructed classification 
algorithm uses spectral and spatial thresholds defined from the 
contextual knowledge. The contextual knowledge was defined 
on the basis of the spectral variations of the land surface 
features on the fused images as well as the texture information 
delineated on the dissimilarity image. For determination of the 
spectral thresholds, maximum and minimum values of the 
selected training signatures and the pixels falling within 1.0 
standard deviation were compared, and the latter was selected. 
It is clear that a spectral classifier will be ineffective if applied 
to the statistically overlapping classes, because they have very 
similar spectral characteristics. For such spectrally mixed 
classes, classification accuracies should be improved if the 
spatial properties of the classes of objects could be 
incorporated into the classification criteria. The idea of the 
spatial threshold is that it uses a polygon boundary to separate 
the overlapping classes and only the pixels falling within the 
threshold boundary are used for the classification. In that case, 
the likelihood of the pixels to be correctly classified will 
significantly increase, because the pixels belonging to the class 
that overlaps with the class to be classified using the threshold

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