Full text: Technical Commission VII (B7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B7, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
R-Cp model may not be suitable for. 
Range Coplanrity 
equation: equation: 
Ball ; xiv Coplanrity 
=. equation: 
Col/Range 4 ground en 
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Fig 2 R-D model and R-Cp model positioning principle 
2.3 Orbit attitude model of spaceborne SAR 
In SAR imaging process, the motion compensation and 
focusing were occurred, so the satellite orbit and attitude data 
were compensated to an ideal state. Therefore, no matter what 
rigorous model, SAR remote sensing image geometry 
processing should use the data that motion compensation 
referenced. As the stability of the satellite in orbit, under normal 
circumstances, when imaging the reference orbit, the speed and 
the actual track, speed is approximately the same. Reference 
attitude is generally constant or uniform changes, in the absence 
of a reference value then the middle or mean value of original 
data could be taken as the initial value, and could get according 
to the Doppler parameter value. 
TerraSAR-X image adopt the O0 value Doppler imaging 
parameters for focus, this means that the beam center planarity 
is perpendicular to the velocity direction in imaging. in this 
paper, according to this conditions to calculate the sensor 
initialization attitude value after SAR imaging motion 
compensation. When the three attitude angles are all zero, the 
beam center plane is perpendicular to the axis Xo vector, when 
the Doppler parameter is 0, the beam center plane is 
perpendicular to the velocity vector. Xo axis and speed 
direction can achieve the coincidence by rotating around the 
Yo-axis of ¢ angle, therefore, when the Doppler parameter is 0, 
equivalent to the three original attitude value is (0,¢,0) . Asa 
result, unit speed vector in geocentric rectangular coordinate 
could also be calculated by a unit vector Xo axis and associated 
rotation matrix , that is: 
[s v x28 Rt o d (en 
[vs v, v.]" is unit speed vector. Based on the formula (6), 
Xo,Yo,Zo,Vx,Vy,Vz is the satellite position and speed state 
vector in ECR coordinate system, the pitch angle ¢, could be 
A --asin (2), VHD), - » HZ), »] d 
As the satellite's orbit and attitude in a certain time with very 
good stability, errors of initial value of orbit and attitude in a 
certain time expressed as systemic, and its orbit error and 
attitude error with low-level polynomial fitting could meet the 
positioning accuracy. For one scene the TerraSAR-X imaging 
track is short, linear polynomial is used as refined model for 
orbit attitude model, namely: 
X, =X ta tat 
Y, =Y,, +b, + bt (8) 
Ze = Zug Cop t6 
9-9 *f,t*ft 
K-Kytgy t gil 
In the formula (8) (X50. Yso. 750: PoKo) are the ephemeris attitude 
initial value, a,b;,c.f;,gi(i=0,1...) are ephemeris and attitude 
refined model parameters. 
2.4 Stereo positioning model of spaceborne SAR 
In order to achieve the high accuracy of the remote sensing 
image positioning the orbital and attitude parameters must be 
refined. Substituted the linear model (8) into formula (4). the 
refined orbit attitude model parameters aj, bacfig: (1,2) and 
the ground point coordinates increment (AX, AY, AZ) as the 
unknowns, coordinates measurement error equation of the 
image point are got through linearized R-Cp equations: 
V. m fug Pus fa infa figno 
+f 8 ful hl a FSF, (0) 
V, m fat foh fo opo og 
+o + habt an Ef +1 FX NY, 
Where, f. are coefficient of error equation about refined orbit 
and attitude model parameters and unknown ground point 
coordinates increment. Ix. [y for the constant term. Based on 
R-Cp geometric imaging model error equations of pixel 
coordinates, ground coordinate, refined model coefficient of 
ephemeris and attitude are got for adjustment model of satellite 
SAR images positioning: 

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