Full text: Technical Commission VIII (B8)

IX-B8, 2012 
t, L., 2008. World 
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Recent trends of 
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ao, D., 2005. Main 
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ecades. Journal of 
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Methane Emissions 
990 to 2010. PLoS 
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k is funded by the 
leral Ministry of 
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no. BA 2062/8-1), 
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tation, both in 
the non-farm area 
ded by Northeast 
inese Academy of 
ase. The land use 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Volume XXXIX-B8, 2012 
XXII ISPRS Congress, 25 August — 01 September 2012, Melbourne, Australia 
C. H. Amaral * *, T. I. R. Almeida*, G. C. M. Quitério, M. N. Alves ©, C. R. Souza Filho" 
"Institute of Geosciences, University of Sáo Paulo, Rua do Lago 562, 05508-080, Sáo Paulo, SP, Brazil - (chamaral, 
talmeida) @usp.br 
Institute of Geosciences, University of Campinas, Rua Jodo Pandi Calôgeras 51, 13083-870, Campinas, SP, Brazil - 
(giuliana, beto) @ige.unicamp.br 
‘Multidisciplinary Center of Chemical, Biological and Agricultural Research, University of Campinas, P.O. BOX 6171, 
13081-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil - mnopper@cpgba.unicamp.br 
Commission VIII, WG VIII/7 
KEY WORDS: Forestry, spectral, weather, comparison, hyperspectral, high resolution. 
The objective of this work is to investigate the hyperspectral remote sensing potential to detect spectral changes undergone by clones 
of two rubber trees within Brazilian Autumn, with decrease of rain, temperature and photoperiod between May and June. Indirectly, 
we also analyze the ability of the data to help discriminating the clones at two dates in autumn. The average canopy spectra of the 
stands were obtained with two overpasses of the ProSpecTIR-VS airborne hyperspectral sensor (357 bands between 400-2,500 nm: 
spatial resolution of 1m) by 14" May and 17" June, in 2010 year. Additionally measurements of leaf spectra were taken in the same 
dates, but in the 2011 year. Considering the analysis of the spectra measured from the three stands, this indicates that spectral 
differences in the VIS (400-700 nm) region are of genetic origin and occur regardless of environmental conditions and period of data 
collection. In the NIR (700-1,300 nm) range, the environmental factors predominate in the two periods of data collection. The SWIR 
(1,300-2,500 nm) displayed the largest differences between the months of data collection. In May, the relationship between stands 
indicated the prevalence of environmental aspects. However, in June, the stands and clones spectral behaviour indicates that as the 
temperature, the rainfall and the photoperiod are lower closer to winter, the SWIR can be effectively used to discriminate and map 
these clones separately. 
Belonging to Euphorbiaceae family, the genus Hevea, native 
from Amazon region presents 11 species, and its main 
historical-commercial representative is the Hevea brasiliensis 
(Wild ex Adr. de Juss) Muell-Arg. Its domestication started 
about 130 years ago (Gongalves et al, 2006), although the 
interest in studying its cultivation within the state of Säo Paulo 
- southeast region of Brazil — aroused only in 1951 when the 
country started to export rubber (latex) again. Its cultivation 
success in the State of Sáo Paulo — where the edaphoclimatic 
conditions are very different from the Amazon region (its 
original site), required the application of genetically improved 
plants as well as the test of several cultivars, such as the ones 
Which are being studied here. 
There are not many works within the literature which approach 
the studies of rubber trees by using remote sensing techniques. 
Nandris et al. (1985), when utilizing near infra-red, aimed to 
verify the damages caused by the parasites of rubber trees’ roots 
in Ivory Coast. Suratman et al. (2002 and 2004), by using 
TM/Landsat images, aimed the attributes modeling — such as the 
volume, area and age — of rubber tree plantations in Malaysia. 
There are even other works which studied the spectral 
behaviour of genetic and environmental variations with species 
of the same genus as well as with different phenotypes of the 
Same specie, as observed at Castro & Sanchez-Azofeifa (2008) 
and at Martin & Asner (2007) respectively. Using the 
ProSpecTIR-VS sensor, the same one that is used in this 
=... ©: 
s Corresponding author. This is useful to know for communication with the appropriate person in cases with more than one author. 
research, Ustin (2008) held a pioneer work on the senescence 
recognition of Pine's different species. 
The application of field spectrometer — in order to compare and 
validate the spectral data obtained by imaging, and considering 
that there is, in these cases, influence of canopy structure, leaf 
angle, ligneous material and soils — is a recent accomplishment 
by Clark et al. (2005) and Asner & Martin (2008), done with 
species of tropical rainforest. However, nothing with this 
approach was found in the literature for the genus Hevea. 
Using hyperspectral images from the ProSpecTIR-VS airborne 
sensor as well as leaf measures taken from the ultraspectral 
ASD FiedSpec-3 Hi-Res spectrometer, the aim of this research 
was to verify the remote detection potential of the changes 
suffered by the clones late in the autumn with the drop of all: 
average rainfall, average temperature and  photoperiod. 
Indirectly, we also analyze the ability of the data to help 
discriminating the clones at two dates in autumn. 
2.1 Study area and object 
The study area is located at the coordinates (central) 22? 47' 
52.31" S e 47? 6' 26.95" W, at 590m above the sea, at the 
University of Campinas experimental farm in Paulínia city, in 
the State of Sáo Paulo, southeast region of Brazil. It presents 
1,972.0m?, occupied by two stands of the PB235 clone, as well 
as, one stand from the GTI clone (Figure 1). The climate for

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